Monday, July 18, 2022

Lightning Bugs on a Warm Summer Evening in Hillsborough

Earlier this evening, my son and I took a pleasant walk at dusk, more or less. It was quite warm, although there were just a few raindrops right in the beginning, and the forecast called for rain. But those few drops would in fact be all that we would see and felt as far as rain went. 

So we walked, and it was very nice. It is not all that often that my son comes down to Hillsborough, usually on holidays and a little more often during the summers. This was one of the times this summer that I had him, which was very nice. We did not actually talk all that much during the walk, although we have long been comfortable together when not talking. Neither of us necessarily need to always find something to talk about. Sometimes, it is nice just to be together, even while allowing our minds to wonder elsewhere.

There was one point where we reached one of my favorite spots for these kinds of neighborhood walks. It is a farm, one of the few remaining in the main, largely inhabited and built up suburban section of Hillsborough, although there are a few more farms and open woodlands a little bit farther out of this part of town. In any case, the sunset looked amazing, and so it seemed like a good idea to share the four pictures that I took of it.

Not much later, I noticed an unusual amount of lightning bugs in one section. I always love lightning bugs/fireflies. To me, it almost really does not feel like summer until they are visible, and a welcome addition to the outdoors on summer evenings. So it also seemed like a good idea to take a brief video clip of this, which I posted here as well.


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