Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Our Labor Day Visit to New Hope, Pennsylvania

My girlfriend and I started visiting New Hope many years ago.

It is a charming town, more a museum village/shopping mall than anything, although it is a town with legitimate history, and interesting buildings. Often, we do not even really shop there, so much as just walk around. I made ne purchase: a drink which she and I shared, because it was so incredibly hot and humid out there. She bought some rare jams mostly found in Europe, and not really in the United States, in the German store, which has become one of our favorite stops. They often sell food and candies and other things not typically found in the United States. 

Anyway, I always enjoy taking pictures. And yesterday, almost surprisingly, this place was far emptier than expected, which allowed me to take many pictures with as few people in them as possible. A rare opportunity.

Also, there was an exhibit of sand sculpture with a fairy tale theme to them. These were incredibly impressive! Still marvel about the patience and skill required to complete such works.

Below are the pictures. Enjoy!

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