Thursday, May 23, 2019

Colorado Offers Alternative to Extreme Abortion Law Trends

Let's face it: the abortion debate is not an easy one, and it is filled with difficult choices and situations.

Recently, we have witnessed numerous individual states - ones usually identified as predominately red states, to be sure - that have passed strict abortion laws. The most severe of these is in Alabama, which passed a law against abortion so strict, that it would not make any exceptions, even in cases of rape.

Other states are approaching that kind of thing, passing laws that are clearly designed to contest Roe v. Wade. Let's see what happens with that.

A lot of pro-choice people have been pointing out some of the hypocrisies and inconsistencies with the pro-lifers, and some of this supposedly pro-life legislation, given that the death penalty is involved. There is also misplaced concern that does not seem to extend to heartbeats of children killed by gun violence in schools and elsewhere.

Recently, Colorado has begun offering women safe and legal abortions if they want it, and to keep it private, by taking these women to popular tourist destinations for picture taking, to allow women to keep their abortions private, and avoid possible prosecution, as Georgia, for example, recently passed a bill that would make it illegal for women to obtain safe and legal abortions out of state.

Here is the link to this article:

Colorado offered free birth control — and teen abortions fell by 42 percent By German  Updated Jul 7, 2015

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