Thursday, May 30, 2019

Robert Mueller 's Press Conference & Debates About Meaning Now Dominating Discussions in Washington

So, everyone is talking about Robert Mueller's press conference, where he restated what his report has said to begin with, which is that while he felt it was not his place to formally charge Donald Trump with crimes, the report also did not suggest that Trump conclusively had not committed crimes. 

He basically said the same things that the report stated, but in wording it differently, and specifically suggesting that the report did not clear Trump of wrongdoing or criminal conduct, many are suggesting that he was signalling the Democrats to take action.

And now, the discussions are about whether or not the Democrats, who control the House, should indeed proceed with impeachment hearings.

Of course, Nancy Pelosi is trying to proceed with extreme caution, even though it seems that an overwhelming case can be made that Trump and officials from his campaign and/or administration are guilty of obstructing justice. 

Trump has completely tried to do away with the system of checks and balances, and to that end, has placed himself as being above the law. He flaunts his invulnerability, which is buttressed by the unwavering support of the blind masses who love him no matter what he says or does. 

I have said it before, and will say it again: Donald Trump should never have been within 1,000 miles of the presidency. It was a disgrace and a disservice to the nation, and it has seriously eroded American democracy as it had existed. Imperfect as it might have been before, the country has taken a sharp turn in the direction of totalitarian government, with the phony baloney image of Donald Trump, fake tan and fake hair and fake patriotism and fake innocence, honesty, and integrity.

When a president does something wrong, and goes to such extraordinary lengths to try and hide it as Trump has done, the political risks, in terms of popularity, should be put to the side. Trump is guilty of wrongdoing, and he needs to be taken down not just one notch, but several, probably even many, notches. It amazes me that so many Republicans, who often have their reservations about Trump and his political approach, nevertheless remain loyal to him, and not to the Constitution and the institutions that are, supposedly, designed to protect American democracy itself.

Again, this is our democracy - or what remains of it, anyway - that is at stake. I would think that most Americans, especially those who consider themselves patriotic, would understand this, even in this age of misinformation. Shame on them, and shame on everyone, who continues to lend their unconditional support to this clown figure, this imposter president.

Let's face it: shame on the Democrats if they ultimately prove to lack the spine to take serious, meaningful action against this farce of a so-called "presidency." 

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