Thursday, May 16, 2019

Ted Cruz Defends Trump's Proposed 'Space Force' as Necessary & Mentions Pirates as Justification

Ever since President Trump first proposed an expensive "Space Force" to be the new branch of the American military, there have been debates going back and forth about the necessity for the creation of such a thing. 

Recently, one former Trump opponent, who now never seems to miss an opportunity to lick Trump's  boots (and he is hardly the only politician formerly opposed to Trump who seems to do this these days), put up a fairly laughable argument 

Ted Cruz, the chairman of the subcommittee on aviation and space, recently defended Donald Trump's proposed "Space Force," suggesting that the United States needed such a force, referencing the threat from, of all things, pirates:

“Since the ancient Greeks first put to sea, nations have recognized the necessity of naval forces and maintaining a superior capability to protect waterborne travel and commerce from bad actors.

“Pirates threaten the open seas, and the same is possible in space. In this same way, I believe we too must now recognize the necessity of a Space Force to defend the nation and to protect space commerce and civil space exploration.” 

It is unclear who the pirates that we need to guard against in space are. Would that constitute the presence of other, presumably rival nations in space and, if so, which ones, exactly? 

Is this perhaps a pre-emptive (a very, very early pre-emptive) strike against would be pirate, for a time when far, far more people would be able to access space? 

It remains unclear what Cruz was referring to, exactly, in trying  to justify Trump's proposed "Space Force" earlier this week.

What appears clearer, however, is the complete about face, going from brutally taking shots at Trump during the 2016 primary, and often hitting Trump much harder than most other Republicans, and taking swipes at his vindictiveness and dishonesty, to now having completely abandoned all shame and bending over backwards to support Trump's every move and crazy idea.

Both Trump and Cruz are in favor of a "Space Force" with quite the large price tag attached. Yet, these two men, who many Evangelical Christians would view as ideal Christians, apparently, are both vehemently against helping poor people, or greater tolerance and less judgement of other people, or trying to help the needy, or better the country's education system, and so on and so forth. They both very much want to build walls, and not bridges. 

What a joke. 

Here is the link to this article about Cruz defending Trump's "Space Force" by mentioning pirates:

Cruz warns 'Space Force' needed to prevent space pirates BY OWEN DAUGHERTY - 05/15/19

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