Sunday, May 5, 2019

Game Of Thrones: Apparently, Jon Snow Was Doing More Than Met the Eye in Season 8, Episode 3

As Game of Thrones fans eagerly await the next episode later tonight (including yours truly), it seems worth mentioning that there was a lot of discussion about the last episode. I heard or read somewhere that it was the most tweeted about episode in television history, and it seemed that all fans wanted to talk about it, or post something about it, immediately afterward.

The latest GoT episode was pretty amazing. Everyone seemed to want to talk about it afterward, as it felt at times almost like a movie, which included the length of over 80 minutes. I also felt like talking about it, and have with a couple of people, here and there.

Figured it might not be a bad idea to do so here, as well, so let me do the standard warning, for anyone who has not yet seen it, yet intends to.

So, if you are one of those people, please do not continue reading further!


Okay, so you have been warned. There are major spoilers ahead, and I feel that every effort has been made to properly warn people. 

Last chance! If you do not want spoilers for Season 8, Episode 3 ("The Long Night") because you have not yet seen it, but intend to, DO NOT keep reading!

Now, let us go ahead. 

I ran into this article which actually explains that while Jon Snow appeared to be doing nothing for much of the episode, particularly towards the end, when he was apparently trapped by the undead dragon, and seemingly yelling at it powerlessly, he may actually have been yelling encouragement to Arya, who somehow manages not only to use her powers to remain unseen among the living, but among the dead, or the undead, or however you want to refer to the White Walkers.

Indeed, I watched this little clip from the episode, which shows the key moment when the Battle of Winterfell was finally decided, and it did make me view the entire episode quite a little differently.

If you watch the clip, it does seem that Jon Snow is yelling "Go! Go!"

That would suggest that he had seen Arya, and knew what she was trying to do. Right after that, we see the long hair of one Dead Walker blown by the wind from Arya moving, yet without time to react. Only the Night King has time to react, and just barely manages to do so before Arya plunges the knife in his heart. He catches her by the throat, and stands there choking her with one arm, when she shows the viewers her considerable skills in switching knives by dropping it from her more natural left hand and into her right, before the Night King even seems to have a chance to understand what is going on. She then plunges the knife into his heart, and he, the unnatural undead, explodes into shards, almost like glass. Instantly, the entire army of the undead explodes, or rather, seems to implode, as well, thus ending the entire battle.

At some point, prior to the start of this season, I had mentioned my own, personal theory that, largely because of the short duration of the season, and the seemingly unstoppable momentum of the White Walkers, my own suspicion on hos GoT ended was the ultimate takeover by the White Walkers. I suspected that Cersei's deception by refusing to help in this battle would prove to be the undoing of all of humanity on the mainland for the show, in all of Westeros.

Clearly, I was mistaken. But that makes it a mystery, at least to me (and I cannot imagine that I'm alone in this) as to how they are going to wrap everything up with merely three episodes left. I still take what I once heard from the creators at face value, that you cannot expect a happy ending. Yet, my own suspicion is that Cersei will be defeated, only perhaps to have the seemingly growing suspicion and divisions between the Starks, particularly Jon Snow, and Daenerys Targaryen comes as the concluding point, without actually being resolved. A kind of unresolved ending that will leave you wondering what will happen next. Maybe they literally meet at the throne, and then look at each other with some look full of meaning and mystery, and then the screen fades to black forever?

Just one suspicion that I have, although my guess is that this will prove wrong, as well. 

Let's see what happens, beginning with this week's episode!


Game Of Thrones Fan Proves Jon Snow Wasn’t Just ‘Screaming At A Dragon’ BY : LUCY CONNOLLY

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