Monday, May 6, 2019

The Cinqo de Mayo Weekend

The Skylands Manor and Botanical Gardens in Ringwood, New Jersey, which are now officially the botanical gardens for the Garden State, are beautiful. These grounds are amazing, and have a distinctly Old World kind of charm. These are formal gardens that are coupled with a beautiful natural setting, set in the Kittatinny foothills of northwestern New Jersey. They never seem to fail to impress visitors, and are worth the visit, almost no matter what the season, or even, often, no matter what the weather. 

This was a good weekend. I got to spend some time with my son up in northwestern New Jersey, and we shared some good times and memories.

On Saturday, we went hiking at Pyramid Mountain. It was a decent hike, although a mild one, since my son was feeling sick and not up for a tougher hike. Yet, it was nice, and we sat for a long time by the side of the lake, talking.

Afterwards, we stopped at 7-11, and were eating some snacks and talking outside, when I spotted some movement from the corner of my eye. Turns out, that it was a family of bears, the first that we have seen in 2019. Here are some pictures, which I already posted yesterday.

Just in case you missed them, here are those pictures again:

Hiking was cool, and seeing these wild bears was really cool! I still view it as an enormous privilege to be able to see such beautiful animals in the wild still!

As good as Saturday was, though, I think that Sunday, which happened to be Cinqo de Mayo, was even better.

I had gotten my son a ticket to see Avengers: End Game last weekend. Usually, we see those kinds of movies together, but I had not gotten tickets in advance, which proved foolish, seeing as though it wound up smashing box office records for an opening weekend.

But I remedied that this weekend, as I got two tickets for the early showing, the cheaper matinee show. We got to enjoy the movie, and he saw it a second time, which I believe he wanted to do, anyway. I will try and review the movie later (will try and limit the spoilers, as well, or at least provide sufficient warning if I get into spoilers). But suffice to say, it appears that this is now my son's very favorite movie, which kind of surprised me. 

It is a three hour movie, so we were there a while, from around noon until three in the afternoon. Then, I thought it might be nice to unwind at one of my very favorite parks: the Skylands Manor and Botanical Gardens in Ringwood, New Jersey.

We walked and talked. Mostly, he talked about the movie, and what he appreciated most and, basically, why it now qualified as his favorite movie. I enjoyed listening to him, and could appreciate the level of sophistication that he showed in the details he was expressing appreciation for. 

It was a rainy weekend, but we both like the rain. And we did not want the rain to put a damper our weekend, as so many people allow rain to dampen theirs. So, we walked and took pictures. I always like the effect that rain has on already picturesque areas. Some of the most beautiful scenes that I have seen were when it was rainy, including the typical rain-soaked streets of old European cities and villages. This was different, yet it seemed to me that the rain almost brought out the colors of the garden a little more. It also seemed like a good idea to share the pictures here (see below).

After that, we decided to enjoy being Mexican for one day, as we sat down for a delicious meal at the Olé Olé Restaurant in nearby Suffern, New York. I had eaten there once before, and it ranks among my favorite Mexican restaurants. The fact that it was very crowded was another sign that the restaurant still is popular and enjoys a solid reputation, especially since there was another Mexican restaurant right across the street that was completely empty. 

The older I get, the more it seems important to step back and appreciate what you have in life. My son and I had a good weekend, and I am counting my blessings, and thought I would share some of these thoughts, and some of the pictures, here today:

Skylands Botanical Gardens

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