Thursday, May 16, 2019

Joe Biden & Donald Trump Should Step Into the Ring...Literally

Ever since Joe Biden announced his candidacy for the White House a little more than a week ago, he has kind of dominated the headlines.

This is not entirely unexpected, given that he is a media darling, being one of the longtime favorite for establishment Democrat types.

And, of course, this has not failed to provide some kind of response from the King of Pettiness himself, Donald Trump. After all, as the incumbent, Trump feels it is his duty to try and undermine any and all who disagree with him, even slightly. Hell, look at how ruthless his wrath is even towards members of his own party, perhaps especially towards members of his own party! Not even death spares political rivals from mean-spirited tweets and Trump's trademark, petty and immature barbs and criticisms. 

So, you kind of knew that Trump was going to take some shots at Biden, right?

But there is a little more history between these two, because a little more than one year ago, these two idiots seemed almost to be threatening one another, like two schoolyard bullies suddenly, unlikely, picking a fight with one another. You almost got the sense that neither really wanted to actually be in the middle of these threats, yet they both had to keep the ridiculous facade going, lest they be either accused or seen as weak, having backed down.

It died on it's own, although we are living in such strange times, that you almost half-expected the two to actually duke it out physically, kind of like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did in an actual boxing ring against a political rival, Senator Patrick Brazeau, some years before he was elected to that country's highest office (no, I am not kidding, this actually happened in Canada). 

Which is why it might be interesting to see if this heats up again.

After all, American politics these days has turned so ridiculous as to be a very public theater of the absurd, and frankly, there hardly are two major figures in the American political arena quite as absurd as Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Is it only a matter of time before what passes for supposedly intellectual, political debate deteriorates back to school yard bully kind of threats once again?

And, let's face it: no matter who would actually overpower the other in an actual fight, would it not be at least somewhat entertaining to see these two idiots beating the hell out of one another? I mean, some embarrassed Trump fans, when truly pressed to give a reason as to why they actually like that worthless piece of shit, claim that he is entertaining. I never saw it, as my own reaction is usually to hold my head in my hands and shake my head in embarrassment at how this man is actually representing the country, and how he is destroying both it's present, and any positive future it might once have had. 

Now, if they did what Trudeau and his political rival did, which is to have an actual boxing match, in a ring and everything, to settle the score and end the debate once and for all about who could kick the other's ass in a physical fight, then that could indeed prove entertaining. Granted, I would not exactly pay to watch it, but might enjoy the highlights once it is all over on Youtube, which would likely be later that evening. 

Hell, with any luck at all, they might do some serious physical damage to one another, and give each other what they both so richly deserve. I guess, out of default, I would hope that Biden would come out surviving Trump, although I am not entirely sure that would happen. Maybe we could get former Senate minority leader Harry Reid to do it, since he was a former boxer (and also, like Biden, a tiresome establishment Democrat type).

In any case, this would likely differ than what happened with Trudeau and Brazeau in Canada, because while those two guys were both relatively young and fit, and decent representatives of their country, these two guys, Biden and Trump, are both old and well beyond their prime years. How interesting could it be to see their flabby bodies in some kind of boxing suits, and their unconditioned, far less than toned and likely exhausted arms starting to fall after maybe one round of throwing punches? 

Granted, it is not likely to happen. 

But one can dream, right?

Besides, if we really simply are so ready to abandon any and all sense of decency and self-respect, and to lose what dignity we should have retained as a nation, then we might as well make good on this idea that at least our politicians should entertain us, right?

So, I for one am all for letting this happen. Maybe the winner can then get into the ring against someone like Harry Reid, and see who comes out on top there. Hell, we can have political heavyweight championships and fights of the week and all of that for a while. It could be a bit like FDR's fireside chats, which redefined how presidents could communicate more directly to the American people. Or, like Trump's ridiculous tweets, only with far more intelligence and way, way more entertainment value/

So, what say you? Are you, like me, ready to see this thing happen? And, if so, how can we make this a reality? Who would not want to see Donald Trump get seriously punched in the face? Remember, for all of his tough talk, he actually acted like a melting snowflake the few times that he actually was confronted by any physical danger. Remember, this is the man who relied on fake bone spurs to get out of Vietnam. And he physically cowered when confronted with a bald eagle acting up, as well as someone rushing the stage. So, all of his tough guy talk is likely just that: posturing.

My money would be on him getting a well-deserved beat down. 

Let's see it happen!

Joe Biden and Trump keep threatening to 'beat the hell' out of each other Allan Smith Mar. 22, 2018:

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