Saturday, May 4, 2019

Marijuana Legalization Will Not Be Won Easily or Quickly...But It Will Be Won

Not long ago, I posted something on how legalization of marijuana in New Jersey and New York is stalled.

Yet, there is news on the national front in terms of marijuana legalization.

Senators Cory Gardner (Republican from Colorado) and Elizabeth Warren (Democrat from Massachusetts) recently released a bipartisan bill that would legalize marijuana, while also making a point of not merely respecting, but emphasizing states rights - something that is obviously very important here in the United States. 

Senator Gardner also seemed to muddy the waters a bit in terms of what the official position of the Trump administration was favorable to the bill. This seemed to suggest that Trump himself was doing an about-face, and going in the complete opposite direction of his former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who never seemed to miss an opportunity to elaborate on what he felt were the evils of marijuana. 

That gave marijuana legalization advocates some hope that maybe this thing might go a bit more smoothly than previously thought.

Yet, I had to add an article from just one day ago that basically argues that anyone who wants to believe that Donald Trump is for marijuana legalization is dreaming, and that he surely stands staunchly opposed. After all, the Republican party, for the most part, has clearly expressed far more cynicism on this issue than the Democrats. 

Let us not be led into some false belief that this, like so many other things, will somehow be a simple fight, or easily or quickly won. But it is worth the fight, and those who want the prohibition ended are going to win. 

Senators Gardner and Warren release bipartisan marijuana bill that prioritizes states’ rights PUBLISHED THU, JUN 7 2018 • 1:11 PM EDT  UPDATED THU, JUN 7 2018 • 7:47 PM EDT Chloe Aiello @CHLOBO_ILO

Gardner: Trump said he would sign pot bill By MARIANNE LEVINE 04/04/2019:

Time to Admit It: Trump Opposes Cannabis Legalization BRUCE BARCOTT May 2, 2019:

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