Thursday, May 30, 2019

John Lennon's Imagine Trashed by Conservative Pundit Ben Shapiro

Imagine being as much of an asshole as Ben Shapiro.

It's really hard to do.

No insight or intelligence, and no morality, too.

Such a brave little conservative prick, trying to destroy and inspirational and beautiful song by a dead artist.

What does this guy have to say about the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus gave, which is in the Bible? Probably one of several parts of the Bible - the peaceful and accepting parts - that this guy never read. 

1 comment:

  1. I may watch this video later, though in all honesty I'll probably pass. One thing is immediately clear, though: it's as if that smug facial expression is his way of asking "Don't you wish you could just reach through your computer monitor and bitch-slap this obnoxious smirk right off of my face?" Then again, something tells me that you could slap, punch, kick or even take a chainsaw to that smirk, and it would still remain.
