Sunday, May 5, 2019

Hiking & Bears, Oh My!

Hikes and Bears,  oh my!

Yes, it is spring again, and my son and I are hiking again. Not that we did not hike at all during the winter, but we really usually step it up a bit in the spring.

Ironically, we did not see any unusual wildlife during our hike.

Yet, when we stopped at 7-11 afterwards, we found a couple of bears (we later found out that there are actually three living in the area) that were in a little patch of woods right next to the garbage bun of the 7-11. Apparently, they seem to live inside of the garbage bin, and everyone gets a huge scare at night whenever the workers have to go to dump garbage, including the bears themselves, who quickly climb out, and I am guessing rather clumsily.

These were the first bears of the season, and of 2019 overall, for both my son and I, thus far. And I am reminded again of just how much of a privilege it is to see such beautiful wildlife, even if this actually did not come during our actual hiking!



  1. Wow! I miss seeing bears up here.

  2. I like seeing bears too – from a distance. I'd hate to be the poor guy taking out the trash at 7-Eleven and disturbing those "residents". ;-)
