Thursday, May 23, 2019

Game of Thrones’ Peter Dinklage Was Once in a Punk Band

Long before I began to watch Game of Thrones, I only knew one of the major actors really famous for working on that series. I did not even know his name, but I knew what he looked like, as he had an easily distinctive appearance. 

That would be Peter Dinklage. So, I paid particular attention to him when I did begin to watch the series.

And you know what?

He is a damn good actor! I mean, like really, really good! I do not specifically remember seeing him in anything before GoT, but he put on some amazing, very convincing performances on the show. One of the best aspects of the show, in fact, I believe, was his acting. He brought life to Tyrion Lannister, made you believe that this was a real character. You could really feel the conflict within him, and you could see him changing gradually, over the course of each season, from a self-absorbed, sex-driven, heavily drinking manchild, to a philosopher of life and seasoned statesman. It was a very interesting arc, to say the least, and it took an incredibly gifted actor to pull it off.

Well, it turns out that Dinklade used to be a member of a punk band, and that he said he had a lot of anger back then.

Not sure what they sounded like or how good they were, but I am glad to have gotten more familiar with this man's phenomenal acting abilities! What talent!

Here is the link to this article revealing Dinklage's punk past:

Game of Thrones’ Peter Dinklage used to be in a punk band called Whizzy image:  Larry Bartleet  Larry Bartleet Sep 4, 2017 12:48 pm BST  Read more at


  1. This is a bit off-topic as I don't have HBO and never really tried to follow G.O.T., but I was familiar with Peter Dinklage from, of all things, a 2003 film set in none other than Newfoundland, NJ - particularly the small building that used to serve as the train station, adjacent to the fairgrounds. It was a good film, called "The Station Agent". I recommend checking it out.

  2. Never saw that or heard of it, but sounds interesting.
