Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Game of Thrones: The Starbucks Caffè Latte Episode

Unfortunately, I still have not managed to see the latest Game of Thrones episode, and have been desperately trying to avoid seeing any spoilers on social media, although that is a difficult prospect. This is due mostly to some technical difficulties. The friend who has been sending me these episodes tried in three different formats this week, including a private viewing on Youtube. But nothing has worked just yet. Hopefully, I will be seeing it soon, but nothing as of yet.

Still, one aspect of this episode which has received considerable attention was an apparent gaffe, when a modern Starbucks coffee cup was left on the scene. There were all sorts of jokes about how the first ever Starbucks was somewhere in Westeros, and speculation as to the flavor (I heard it was a Pumpkin Spice Latte, and someone else suggested that it was a Vanilla Latte). 

Who knows?

One thing that has become clear: this became the source of a lot of attention and, of course, humor, in the aftermath. Here is one entertaining skit that serves up no spoilers (I promise), and which you do not even have to be a Game of Thrones fan or loyal watcher to enjoy:

Yet, it seems to me that many are suspicious about this, and believe that it could not have been a simple oversight, or somehow overlooked by the very well paid executives and professionals, not to mention the actors. Many feel that it was deliberate, a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing.

Again, who knows? 

There were several articles on this, which included one by Vlad Savoy of The Verge, who mentioned some other gaffes in the history of GoT:

The GOT producers previously shocked their audience in season 3, when the “Walk of Punishment” episode concluded with an entirely out-of-context rock song. This new invasion of modernity into the show’s fantasy realm will surely amuse as much as it bemuses, and it’s already got Twitter’s meme brigade creating jokes.

Just in case you need a reminder of what he is referring to, and also as protection from writing something that can be said to be a spoiler, here is the brief end scene of that episode, which Savoy references above. If you do not want this as a spoiler (if, in other words, you are reading this, yet have not seen an episode which aired more than half a decade ago, but intend to), then simply do not watch this next clip:

‘Game of Thrones’ gaffe: Coffee cup left in final cut of episode 4 PUBLISHED MON, MAY 6 2019  9:37 AM EDTUPDATED MON, MAY 6 2019  4:45 PM EDT Sarah Whitten @SARAHWHIT10

Is that a Starbucks cup in Game of Thrones? 37 Modern brew invades Winterfell By Vlad Savov@vladsavov  May 6, 2019:


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