Thursday, May 9, 2019

President Kid Rock?

It might seem like a joke, but then again, Donald Trump sure seems like a cruel joke to many of us. Yet, he was rewarded for his idiocy with the most powerful office in the country, and quite possibly, the world.

The fortunes of a once stellar nation that led the world in almost every possible category, including enjoying the highest standard of living of any society that had ever been known to exist, have clearly fallen. We can see the standards for our elected "leaders" have fallen quite a bit, as well. And we keep choosing worse and worse leaders, and the bar keeps getting lower and lower.

While I wish that this was entirely a joke, it maybe should not be too easily dismissed. Because Kid Rock, despite his later denials that it was a serious bid for Senate, did nonetheless run for public office, and he already has mused about the possibility of being in the White House.

That does not guarantee that he will ever seriously run, but it hardly eliminates it from being a possibility either, does it?

And before you laugh it off and think it crazy, again, Donald Trump is now president. That seemed entirely unlikely and most people thought it was too bizarre to entertain as a real possibility. Clearly, not enough people took that warning seriously enough.

Trump represented an incredible lowering of the bar in terms of standards, and the bar had, frankly, not been too high prior to him. But since we have been taking steps downwards, somebody like Kid Rock might have a real shot. After all, he is a celebrity who is full of himself, and apparently, those are pretty much the only qualifications that one needs to make a serious White House bid these days.

So, could we see Kid Rock, or some other mindless moron who happens to be rich and famous and have an enormous, false sense of entitlement, rise to become this nation's president?

Perhaps I wish this was merely a joke entry. But something tells me that a nation so lost that it could elect Donald Trump to be it's leader, and for a significant portion of the population to not only support him, but to almost take him for some kind of God, could indeed support someone like Kid Rock.


  1. At this point nothing would surprise me anymore. Although I've never been a fan of anyone in the political arena, until recently I at least felt that there were certain lines we'd never cross, i.e. "Come on, people can't seriously be THAT fucking stupid." 2016 showed me the error of my ways. While I don't think that a Kid Rock or Ted Nugent presidency will ever happen, I'm no longer nearly as confident about it as I once was. Perhaps Vince McMahon or the ghost of Morton Downney, Jr. could wind up in their cabinets, if not in the Oval Office itself. There's no longer a low to which we couldn't conceivably stoop.

    1. Yeah, I mostly agree that little to nothing would feel surprising anymore these days. I am not entirely convinced that Kid Rock is not actually interested in becoming a politician, or that people might actually be willing to vote for him in numbers that might make him a serious threat to reach the White House. On Election Night in 2016, it seemed like we had reached the absolute lowest point, but I thought that people would finally wake up after that. Yet, despite the disaster that has been the Trump presidency, he still has that same base of support, and many other Republicans, who had been critical and hesitant to support their man, are now apparently loyal supporters. God forbid they risk a mean-spirited tweet from him, or some feedback from his supporters, rather than them doing what is best for the country. But the fact that so many remain in support of him shows me that they might be willing to lower the bar even further still, as depressing and incredible as that thought seems.
