Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Teacher With Cancer Forced to Pay For Substitute

This kind of brings new, darker meaning to the words, "Only in America," eh?

A teacher suffering from cancer is being forced (or was being forced) to pay for the substitute who is replacing her while she takes sick leave to attend to her cancer.

Yes, the Glen Parks school in San Francisco - one of the country's most expensive areas to live in - had forced this teacher to pay for each day that a substitute had to replace her in the classroom. 

In other words, on top of the astronomical cost of living in the San Francisco area, as well as the staggering price of healthcare in this country more generally, this teacher has to pay for her sick days, paying the substitute who will replace her for however long she needs to take off.

Now, I work as a substitute on a part-time level in Rahway public schools in New Jersey. I had never even heard of anything like this before. It does not take much figuring out to realize that this is just wrong, wrong, wrong!

My guess is that this school system is receiving a hell of a lot of negative publicity at the moment, and so will be forced to go back on this policy, and probably refund this teacher the money.

But just the sheer gall of such policies, and such thinking! It is nothing short of criminal, frankly!

Thank you to the BBC and other news agencies who shed light on this frankly pathetic news story.

Teacher with cancer paying for substitute sparks outcry by BBC News, 10 May 2019:

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