Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Corn Palace, Mitchell, South Dakota

Somehow, somewhere,  I remember hearing something about the Corn Palace in Mitchell,  South Dakota. 

To be sure,  I did not remember the name of the town,  or even which state it was actually in.

Yet,  when we kept seeing this place advertised along the very long and largely empty highway, surrounded by golden fields of corn that stretched as far as the eye could see,  it seemed fitting that  it would be here. 

Yes,  I gave in to temptation and stopped here. 

In some ways,  it was not what I expected. Inside,  there was a part that looked like (and maybe actually have been) a high school gymnasium and an event center,  all in one. 

Still overall,  the Corn Palace was also exactly what you would expect it to be. That is to say tacky and,  yes, corny.

Not really worth the trip off the highway to get to,  admittedly. I mean,  sure,  it's a  "palace " made out of corn. And the only one in the world,  for that matter,  as they make sure you know it. 

The inside of the building looks almost like any other large building would. Other than the corn themed columns, anyway. There was a wall showing the history of the Corn Palace,  which apparently dates back over 100 years! It looked different,  and has in fact been altered in appearance over time. 

Yet, it is still here in all of it's splendor, for all weary travelers to veer off the highway and see. There were many out of state license plates represented in the parking lot. So this indeed has become quite a popular tourist destination, at least locally. It seems to be good for the local economy, as well. 

Still, the novelty wears off fast. Yet, it seems to be a boon for the local economy. Good for them. I do mean that. 

Below are some pictures:

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