Tuesday, February 28, 2023

New Jersey Received First Significant Snow Storm This Winter

Well, it has finally happened. 

New Jersey (and the greater New York metropolitan region more generally) finally got a significant snow storm, with measurable amounts of snow. What is odd, of course, is that it took this long. After all, the snowstorm took place overnight on February 27 - 28, right at the end of February, just before the month of March, which is, of course, the last month of winter. 

It has been a strange winter. We have had some very cold days and nights at times. Yet, these have generally just been spells of a couple of days or so at a time. Mostly, it feels like we have had a considerably mild winter. one of the mildest winters in recent memory, frankly. 

There was a possibility of another snowstorm for Thursday into Friday, although they are now saying that it will be too warm for it to be snow. Most likely, it will just be a rain event. But who knows? March can be unpredictable, and we may yet get some more snowstorms.

As for yesterday, I was up north for my usual visit with my son, who I should mention, just got his second ever job. So proud of him!

In any case, I had to cut that visit short because of the storm. Headed out of there early, because it was supposed to get his a bit harder than Hillsborough, which was more or less on the dividing line between snow and rain. As it turned out, we did get snow even in Hillsborough, although it was mostly just enough to coat, and not to have to actually dig out, or anything. 

But yes, I left early to try and beat the bad weather to come. I had a work from home shift, and was able to enjoy the beauty of the freshly fallen snow. At one point, one of the little kids in a neighboring home came out with his father and his dog to play. He threw some snow at the poor dog. It was actually quite a nice moment to enjoy.

Hope that you have been enjoying a pleasant winter on your end, assuming that you are in the northern hemisphere. Here are some pictures of the snow in Hillsborough from last night's storm. Told you that it was not all that much snow here:

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