Saturday, November 11, 2023

Canadians Generally Prefer Metric System, Yet Still Sometimes Use Imperial Measurements


Earlier today, I posted a second blog entry in a row about the CFL, which will see the two playoff games to determine which teams will participate in this year's Grey Cup.

Well, it seemed fitting then to post another blog entry about matters north of the American border as well.

You see, like almost the entirety of the rest of the world, Canada officially uses the metric system. Those CFL games are often regarded (too often derisively) by Americans as a source of amusement. In particular, Americans often do not understand or appreciate the differences, which includes the fact that CFL fields are different, since they use the metric system. 

In fact, even though Americans often do not understand, and sometimes mock, the metric system, the fact of the matter is that the metric system makes sense, and often feels like it works better and is easier to use than the old imperial system. The fact that the United States is one of only three countries left still which has not yet switched to the metric system (Liberia and Myanmar being the other two) is a testament to the success of the metric system.

Admittedly, as an American, I sometimes (fairly often, in fact) wish that my country would join the family of nations of the rest of the world in embracing certain things, including some form of affordable universal health care, where it is seen as a right and not a privilege, would assure new mothers paid maternity leave, would accept that climate change is a reality and not merely some conspiracy theory, as well as, yes, finally adapting the metric system. Sometimes, I think we are too nationally stubborn and, frankly, stuck up, to actually even consider such sensible things with any degree of seriousness. 

Yet, it is not perhaps as clear cut in Canada (and to my understanding, Great Britain as well). You see, on some level, Canadians actually do use the old imperial system. It appears to depend on what it is that we are talking about using.

So it seemed fitting to add a link to an article which delves into this a bit more. Some interesting info here. Take a look if so inclined:

Canadians favour metric system despite often using imperial measurements: poll A person seen measuring wood in this file image. (Photo by Los Muertos Crew via Pexels)A person seen measuring wood in this file image. (Photo by Los Muertos Crew via Pexels)  Rhythm Sachdeva Web Reporter

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