Friday, November 10, 2023

One Quote From Bertolt Brecht Perfectly Captures Paradox of Trump


This is a picture of a magnet that was being sold at Strand's Book Store in New York City a few years ago. No, I did not buy it, but I liked it and took a picture, which I am sharing here now. 

Never before has a former president continued to dominate headlines like King Con Don has since leaving almost three years ago now. He still holds political rallies, still claims the same old lies that he won the election and was cheated out of the White House, and he is continually on trial these days for everything from business fraud to hush money paid to a porn star, to far more serious and weighty issues, such as his role during the January 6th insurrection, and his tampering with the election process in Georgia. And of course, it should come as no surprise that this clown, who should have been discredited long, long ago for many, many reasons, is nevertheless the clear frontrunner in the Republican race for the White House, and has a real chance of winning. 

Indeed, he continues to dominate the headlines, even though millions of people - including yours truly - just wish he would go away already, once and for all. I am not at all sure that justice will be served, but in my opinion, he deserves to rot in jail for the duration of his days, and to watch himself fade into obscurity in the process, never to be heard from by the media again. 

Unfortunately, that just does not feel very realistic. 

Ran into this quote earlier this week, and it feels that it rings true. 

In this case, it's a pick your poison kind of a thing. Either the man is not the genius that he says he is, and is, in fact, quite inept in certain things, or he indeed does know, and thus knowingly misleads his followers, and is a criminal. 

"Who does Not Know the Truth, is simply a Fool... Yet who Knows the Truth and Calls it a Lie, is a Criminal."  

~ Bertolt Brecht

This was the source from which I first saw this quote (although it is available through several sources with a Google search). However, I liked the illustration which came with it. You can check it out by clicking on the Facebook link below:

Emily R. Andrews:

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