Tuesday, July 30, 2024

ACLU Provides Some Dire Warnings About What To Expect Under Another Trump Presidency


This is a picture of a magnet that was being sold at Strand's Book Store in New York City a few years ago. No, I did not buy it, but I liked it and took a picture, which I am sharing here now. 

Below is a link to an article published by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) warning as to what we could expect if Trump gets another term as president. It is not looking nearly as certain as it was a couple of weeks ago, when Joe Biden still was insisting that he would stay in the race. Even some of his closest advisors and political allies are apparently admitting now that he really had no chance at winning, especially when everything seemed to be falling apart. If nothing else, however, Kamala Harris has seemingly reenergized the Democrats and made this a new race. 

Frankly, I believe that they are accurate. They are expecting an increasing militarization of the police, a spike in incarcerations (particularly by the southern border, presumably), and an expansion of the death penalty.

Take a look at the article and judge for yourself if they are accurate in what we can expect if Trump gets in yet again. 

Trump Promises to Militarize Police, Reincarcerate Thousands, and Expand Death Penalty published by the ACLU, July 19, 2024:


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