Sunday, July 28, 2024

Glenn Kirschner Warns That When Donald Trump Says Things Which Threaten American Democracy, We Should Take the Threat At Face Value

This is a video which Glenn Kirschner recently released, and in which he says what I feel is true, as well.

A lot of people do not want to admit that Trump is the threat to democracy that many are warning about. It seems that they do not want to believe that he is as bad as his critics are warning, and that there must be some other explanation when he says things which seem unsettling and alarming. 

That man seems to have the luck of the Devil himself. He has been sued thousands of times, yet was not a convicted felon until only recently. And yet, you can see that he acts like a thug and a criminal and, yes, frankly a dictator. 

As soon as he is convicted, he is regarded as a persecuted hero. His brainwashed cult following likens him to Jesus going through his trials.


Meanwhile, this man does not back away or deny when he is accused of dictatorial ambitions, claiming that he will be a dictator, but only on day one of his second presidency. He wanted to delay the election in 2020, and openly talking about things like suspending some parts of the Constitution and serving a third term, even though he still has yet to get a second term in office, which would supposedly be his limit, because we have term limits. Yet, he "jokes" about being "president for life," and praised how China has such a system, musing that the United States might want to look into that. 

Remember, this man seemed to orchestrate nothing short of an attempted coup to retain power.

Now, he is telling his supporters that if they just vote for him this last time in November, they will not have to worry about ever voting again, because it will be "fixed" thereafter.

And still, nobody seems to be raising the alarms about how much of a threat this man poses to our clearly fragile American democracy.

It's sickening.

As Kirschner suggests, the institutions of our American government have failed to meet the test of Donald Trump's threat to democracy, time and time again.

If we get past this - Kirschner seems certain that the election will go against Trump, but I still have my doubts about that - Kirschner is right: we need to do an autopsy on how our institutions have failed us, frankly.

This is infuriating. Tragic to watch. 

Donald Trump Says If He's Elected, The American People Will Never Vote Again. BELIEVE HIM!

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