Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

The Battle of Nocera between Ranulf II of Alife and Roger II of Sicily was fought on this day in 1132. On this day in 1411, the Battle of Harlaw was fought, which ended up being one of the bloodiest battles in Scottish history. On this day in 1487, citizens of Leeuwarden Neth rebelled against a ban on foreign beer. It was on this day in 1534 that Jacques Cartier landed on the Gaspé peninsula in what today is eastern Québec, Canada, and proclaimed the land for the King of France. 

Picture of a sign commemorating Jacques Cartier which I took during our visit to Gaspé, Québec, Canada, back in the summer of 2014.

It was on this day in 1567 that Mary, Queen of Scots, was forced to abdicate the throne. James VI, who was just one year old, became the Kings of the Scots. The Spanish Army and German mercenaries conquered Namus on this day in 1577.  Also on this day in 1577 was the Treason of Don Juan in Brussels. The states of Holland and Zealand were recognized on this day in 1581 by Willem van Orange. In 1651 on this day, Anthony Johnson, a free black, receives grant of 250 acres in Virginia. Edmund Halley entered The Queen's College at Oxford as an undergraduate on this day in 1673. The first German settlers to the United States left aboard the Concord on this day in 1683. On this date in 1692, the French defeated William III of England at Steinkirk (Enghein). In 1701 on this day, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac founded trading post at Fort Pontchartrain, which later was to become the city of Detroit. English and Dutch troops occupied Gibraltar on this day in 1704. The Battle of Denain was fought on this day in 1712, where France under Villars defeated the Dutch army. In 1745 on this day, Bonnie Prince Charlie becomes King James VIII. George Washington was admitted into the Virginia House of Burgesses on this day in 1758. Simón Bolívar, later to be known as "El Libertador," or "The Liberator," was born on this day in 1783 in Caracas, Venezuela. 

Pictures of the statue of Simón Bolívar at Central Park in New York City which I took during a visit there last year. 

In 1783 on this day, Georgia became a protectorate of Russia. France, during the days of the Revolution, passed the first copyright law on this day in 1793. In 1799on this day, William Clark (best known for his voyages with Meriwether Lewis) was willed the slave York. Slavery was abolished in Chile on this date in 1823. On this day in 1824, a newspaper in Harrisburg, Pennsylvanian, published the results of the first ever public opinion poll, which proved favorable results for Andrew Jackson. Benjamin Bonneville led the first wagon train across the Rocky Mountains, doing so by going across Wyoming's South Pass on this day in 1832. the HMS Beagle, with Charles Darwin on board, departed Maldonado Uruguay on this day in 1833.Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers arrived at the Great Salt Lake in present day Salt Lake City, Utah, on this day in 1847. Also on this day in 1847, Richard M. Hoe patented the rotary-type printing press in New York City. The Window Tax was abolished in Britain on this day in 1851. There was a Civil War skirmish at Taylor Mountain in present day West Virginia on this day in 1861, as Confederate General Wise retreated at the end. On this day in 1862, Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States, died in Kinderhook, New York. In 1863 on this day, there was a Battle at Battle Mountain, Virginia. The Battle of Winchester, Virginia was fought on this day in 1864. Tennessee became the first state to be admitted back into the Union following the Civil War on this day in 1866. On this day in 1870, the first trans-American rail service began. On this day in 1877m federal troops are used to fight strikers for the first time. Arabi Pasha declared a holy war in Egypt on this day in 1883. On this day in 1886, China took the British protectorate of Burma. There was a race riot in New Orleans on this day in 1900, with two white policemen killed. O. Henry was released from prison in Austin, Texas, on this day in 1901 after serving three years for embezzlement from a bank. The Treat of Bjorko was signed on this day in 1905 between Emperor Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II. Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas, and one of the truly great sites of the world,  was rediscovered by Hiram Bingham on this day in 1911. On This day in 1915, Excursion ship Eastland capsized in Lake Michigan, killing 852. There  was a race riot in Washington, D.C. on this day in 1919, with six killed and 100 wounded. The Treaty of Lausanne, which settled the boundaries of modern Turkey, was concluded on this day in 1923 in Switzerland. On this day in 1925, Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school and fined $100 & court costs. The Menin Gate war memorial is unveiled at Ypres on this day in 1927. American President Herbert Hoover proclaimed the Kellogg-Briand Pact, which renounced war as an instrument of foreign policy on this day in 1929. A fire at a home for the elderly in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania killed 48 people on this day in 1931. In 1933, German judge Vogt signed a deed of accusation against Van der Lubbe. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his fourth "Fireside Chat" on this day in 1933. On this day in 1936, Generals Mola & Cabanellas formed a Spanish anti-government group. The State of Alabama dropped charges against five black men accused of raping two white women in the Scottsboro case on this day in 1937. Any caffeine addicts reading this? Instant coffee was invented on this day in 1938. The first illegal Newsletter of Pieter It Hen"was published in Netherlands on this day in 1940, on the same day that Linthorst Homan, de Quay & Einthoven formed Dutch Union. FDR demanded that Japanese troops leave Indo-China on this day in 1941. On that same day, Nazis executed the entire Jewish population of Grodz, Lithuania. The Royal Air Force bombed Hamburg, Germany, on this day in 1943, killing 20,000. On this day in 1944, 300 Allied bombers dropped fire bombs on numerous German positions. On that same day in 1944, Soviet troops liberated the Majdanek concentration camp, and American troops landed on Tinian. An American destroyer, Underhill, was torpedoed west of Guam on this day in 1945. On this day in 1948, Soviet occupation forces in Germany blockaded West Berlin. The American-British airlift began the following day. The first launch at Cape Canavaral occurred on this day in 1950 with the V-2/WAC Corporal rocket launch. In Indonesia on this day in 1955, the government of Ali Sastroamidjojo of government resigned. On this day in 1959, American Vice-President Richard Nixon argued with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in what came to be known as "Kitchen Debate." On this day in 1961, an American commercial plane was hijacked to Cuba, which marked the beginning of a trend. Marijuen formed a new Dutch government on this day in 1963. There was a race riot in Rochester, New York, on this day in 1964, where four people were killed. Bob Dylan released "Like a Rolling Stone" on this day in 1965. Also on this day in 1965, the rock band "Animals" reached the British charts for the first time. In 1967, showing that they were decades ahead of the times in more than just music, the Beatles signed a petition in the Times to legalize marijuana. French President Charles de Gaulle declared "Vive le Québec libre !" ( which translates in English to 'Long live free Quebec!') before a large crowd assembled at the front of the Hôtel de Ville in Montréal on this day in 1967 in a speech during his official visit to Canada for the Expo '67 World's Fair. This fueled a strong positive reaction by Québécois (Quebecers) who favored sovereignty from Canada, as it was regarded by many as De Gaulle showing his support for an independent Québec. However, he also received strong criticism from many Canadians and others for his actions. On this day in 1967, the Chinese Army, Air Force, and Navy repressed an uprising in the city of Wuhan. Norway requesteded membership into the European Common Market on this day in 1967.

French President Charles de Gaulle

The Hôtel de Ville in Montréal, where De Gaulle delivered his controversial speech.

On this day in 1967, the Chinese Army, Air Force, and Navy repressed an uprising in the city of Wuhan. Norway requested membership into the European Common Market on this day in 1967. Also on this day in 1967, there were race riots in both Cambridge, Maryland, as well as in Detroit. The Apollo 11 astronauts who made history as the first humans on the moon came back to Earth safely on this day in 1969, landing in the Pacific Ocean. Muhammad Ali, a very vocal opponent of American involvement in Vietnam, was convicted for refusing induction into the US Army on appeal on this day in 1969. On this day in 1972, Jigme Singye Wangchuk became the King of Bhutan at 16. Also on this day in 1972, a Bugojno group was caught by Yugoslav security forces. The United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously that President Nixon needed too turn over subpoenaed White House tape recordings to the Watergate special prosecutor on this day in 1974. President Jimmy Carter named Paul Volcker as the President of the Federal Reserve on this day in 1979. In 1981 on this day, Mohammed Ali Rajai was elected president of Iran. A bridge in Nagasaki, Japan, is destroyed on this day in 1982 after heavy rain caused a mudslide. 299 people are killed as a result. Gandhi signed a peace contract with Sikh leader Harchand Singh Longowai on this day in 1985. In San Francisco on this day in 1986, a federal jury convicted  Navy radioman Jerry Whitworth of espionage. American warships in the Persian Gulf were placed on alert on this day in 1990 after Iraq massed nearly 30,000 troops near its border with Kuwait. On this day in 1991, a scientist from the University announced the finding a planet outside of the solar system. The Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC) formed on this day in 1994. Also on that day in 1994, Bodo killed 37 Muslims in Bashbari, in northeastern India. On this day in 1988, Russell Eugene Weston Jr. burst into the United States Capitol and opened fire, ultimately killing two police officers. Later, he was ruled to be incompetent to stand trial. On this day in 2001, Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the last Tsar of Bulgaria dating back to when he was a child, was sworn in as Prime Minister of Bulgaria, becoming the first monarch in history to regain political power through democratic election to a different office. James Traficant was expelled from the United States House of Representatives on a vote of 420 to 1 on this day in 2002. On that same day, nine coal miners got trapped in a mine in Pennsylvania. All were rescued three days later. Libya freed all six of the medics in the HIV trial in that country on this day in 2007. On this day in 2012, John Dramani became the President of Ghana after the death of President John Atta Mills. Also on this d ay in 2012, four barrels containing 248 human fetuses were found in Sverdlovsk, Russia.

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