Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28th: This Date in History "The Great War" - World War I Begins

Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

The Battle at Aquileja was fought on this day in 388, when Emperor Theodosius defeated Emperor Magnus Maximis. On this day in 754, Pope Stephen II, [III] made Pippin de Korte the King of France. Crusaders attacked Damascus on this day in 1148.The Battle at Ancyra/Angora/Ankara was fought on this day in 1402, when: Timur Lenk defeated Sultan Bajezid I. Navigator Gil Eanes left Cape Bojador for Lisbon, Portugal, on this day in 1434. On this day in1540, King Henry VIII of England's chief minister, Thomas Cromwell, was executed and Henry married his fifth wife, Catherine Howard. Cardinal Granvelle returned to Madrid on this day in 1579. Sir Thomas Harriot introduced the potato to Britain and Europe from the Americas on this day in 1586. They would arguably become bigger in Europe than in the Americas, being cheap and easy to grow. The Spanish Armada sailed to overthrow England's Queen Elizabeth I on this day in 1588.On this day in 1609, Admiral George Somers settled in Bermuda.Spanish Marshal Piccolomini conquered Schenkenschans on this day in 1635. On this day in 1696, De Croissy succeeded Le Plectia as French Minister of Finance. Monarch Amengkurat II [Sunan Mas] of Mataram gave himself up to VOC on this day in 1708. Prussian King Frederik Willem I gave compulsory education to 5-12 year olds on this day in 1717. Captain Bering found Mount St Elias in Alaska on this day in 1741. In 1742 on this day, Prussia & Austria signed a peace treaty. On this day in 1750, the great baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach died after an unsuccessful eye operation. The Terror chapter of the French Revolution ended on this day in 1794 when Robespierre, one of the leading figures of the French Revolution and the man most credit with being behind "The Terror," was himself sent to the guillotine. There were 22 others who were labelled terrorists who also were executed to thunderous cheers. One of those executed was Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just, Robespierre's closest allies and enablers. Mahmud II succeeded Mahmud II succeeds Mustafa IV as sultan of Turkey on this day in 1808. Peru declared independence from Spain on this day in 1821 (National Day). On this day in 1849, the Memmon becomes the first clipper to reach San Francisco, 120 days out of New York. A total solar eclipse was captured on this day in 1851 on a daguerreotype photograph. On this day in 1858, the first use fingerprints as a means of identification was made by Sir William James Herschel of the Indian Civil Service in India. Nadar took the first airborne photo (in a balloon) on this ay in 1858. Confederate forces were defeated at More's Hill, Missouri, on this day in 1862. This day in 1864 marked the second day of battle at Deep Bottom Run, Virginia. On that same day in 1864 was the Battle of Atlanta: GA (Ezra Church) - marking the second sortie US700 CS4642. On this day in 1865, the American Dental Association proposed it's first code of ethics. The metric system was legalized by the United States. Congress for the standardization of weights and measures throughout the United States on this day in 1866. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which established the citizenship of African Americans and guaranteed due process of law, was ratified on this day in 1868. Shocks triggered by volcano Epomeo (Isle of Ischia, Italy) on this day in 1883 destroyed 1,200 houses and killing 2,000  at Casamicciola. English Salisbury government formed on this day in 1886. On this day in 1896, the city of Miami was incorporated. Spanish troops in Ponce, Puerto Rico, surrendered on this day in 1898. This day in 1898 marked the start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Retired Colourman."  The hamburger was created on this day in 1900 by Louis Lassing in Connecticut.

World War I officially began on this date in 1914 when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.. At the time, that was the biggest war in human history, but on that particular date, there were celebrations on the streets from all of the major participants. Everyone expected a quick and decisive victory in their own favor. But they were in for a rude awakening, as the war quickly became a stalemate, with millions of men living under hellish conditions in the trenches on either side of the "No Man's Land" that separated the warring sides. That was surely the biggest event that occurred on this day in history, but it was far from being the only significant event. 

On this day in 1915, 10,000 blacks marched on 5th Ave (NYC) protesting lynchings. US forces invaded Haiti on this day in 1915, and stayed until 1924. On this day in 1917, there was a Silent Parade in NYC to protest murders of blacks in race riots. Vrije Vakbewegings Internationale (VVI) formed in Amsterdam on this day in 1919. On this day in 1926, there was would be a US & Panamanian pact about safeguarding the Panama Canal. This day in 1928 marked the opening of the IXth Olympic Games open in Amsterdam. On this day in 1932, American President Herbert Hoover ordered Douglas MacArthur to evict "Bonus Army" of unemployed World War I veterans who had gathered in Washington. They were demanding money that they were not scheduled to receive until 1945. A battle ensued between the veterans and federal troops, which four ultimately dying. Spain officially recognized the USSR on this day in 1933. Plans for the Pentagon were approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on this day in 1941..Nazis liquidated 10,000 Jews in the Minsk Ghetto in occupied Belorussia on this day in 1942. On that same day in 1942, Zionists partisans ZOB formed in Poland Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini resigned on this day in 1943. President FDR announced am end to coffee rationing in US on this day in 1943. Operation Gomorrah fell on this day in 1943, when the British bombed Hamburg, causing a firestorm that killed 42,000 German civilians. Hitler routed 4 division of South France to Normandy on this day in 1944. The US 8th Army occupied Coutances, France, on this day in 1944. Japanese Premier Suzuki ignored a US ultimatum to surrender on this day in 1945. On this day in 1945, the US Senate ratified the United Nations Charter by a count of 89-2. On this day in 1945, a U.S. Army bomber crashed into the 79th floor of New York City's Empire State Building. 14 people were killed and 26 were injured. Iuliu Maniu's Boer partywas outlawed on this day in 1947 in Romania On this day in 1948, an I G Farben chemical plant exploded in Ludwigshafen, Germany, killing 182. On this day in 1955, the Union Mundial pro Interlingua is founded at the first Interlingua congress in Tours, France. Heavy rains caused a mudslide on this day in 1957 in Isahaya, western Kyūshū, Japan, killing 992. Great-Britain started using postal codes on this day in 1959.  Hawaii's first US election sent the first Asian-Americans to Congress on this day in 1959. On this day in 1962, Mariner I that had been launched to Mars fell into the Atlantic Ocean. On this day in 1964, Ranger 7 launched toward the Moon; and sent back 4308 TV pictures. American President Lyndon Johnson on this day in 1965 announced that he was increasing the number of American troops in South Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000. On this day in 1973, Skylab 3's astronauts (Bean, Garriott & Lousma) launched. 69 people were killed on this day in 19674 when a packed bus struck a heavy truck in Belem, Brazil. On this day in 1976, 242,000 people died in Tientsin-Tangshan (China) following an 8.2 magnitude earthquake. On this day in 1978, the price of gold topped $200-an-ounce for the first time. Peru adopted a new constitution on tis day in 1980, and, Fernando Belaúnde Terry became President. The city of San Francisco became the first city in the U.S. to ban handguns on this day in 1982..NASA launched the Telstar-3A on this day in 1983. The XXIII modern Olympic games opened in Los Angeles on this day in 1984. On this day in 1985, Alan Garcia was sworn in as president of Peru. There was a bomb attack in East Beirut on this day in 1986, with 25 killed as a result.On this day in 1986, NASA released transcripts from the doomed Challenger, pilot Michael Smith could be heard saying, "Uh-oh!" as spacecraft disintegrated. Israeli diplomats arrived in Moscow for their first visit in 21 years on this day in 1988. Jordan canceled a $1.3 billion development plan in West Bank on this day in 1988. Also on this day in 1988, Winnie Mandella's home in Soweto, South Africa was destroyed by arson. On this dayin 1989, NASA's Lewis Research Center, in Cleveland, Ohio, announced new high-temperature superconductors were able to operate at 33 to 37 Gigahertz. Alberto Fujimoro was installed as President of Peru on this day in 1990. A blackout hit Chicao on this day in 1990. On this day in 1994, the last steel beam was put into place on Cleveland's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Kennewick Man, the remains of a prehistoric man, was discovered near Kennewick, Washington, on this day in 1996. Bell Atlantic and GTE announced a $52 billion deal that created the second-largest phone company on this day in 1998. Serbian military forces seized the Kosovo town of Malisevo on this day in 1998. Also on this day in 1998, Monica Lewinsky received blanket immunity from prosecution to testify before a grand jury about her relationship with American President Bill Clinton. In 2000 on this day, ana US Federal Appeals court granted a last minute stay of an injunction that ordered Napster, Inc., to shut down. The order to stop operations came on July 26, 2000. On this day in 2002, nine coal miners who had been trapped in the flooded Quecreek Mine in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, are rescued after being trapped for 77 hours underground. The Provisional Irish Republican Army called an end to their thirty year long armed campaign in Northern Ireland on this day in 2005. A tornado touches down in a residential area in south Birmingham, England, on this dday in 2005, and caused £4,000,000 worth of damages, injuring 39 people. On this day in 2006, researchers announced that two ancient reptiles had been found off Australia. The Umoonasaurus and Opallionectes were the first of their kind to be found in the period soon after the Jurassic era. The historic Weston-super-Mare Grand Pier burned down for a second time in 80 years on this day in 2008. 18 people are killed and 11 injured in ethnic clashes in Ethiopia on this day in 2012. And on this day to come in 2061, we will get the 31st recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet, assuming we are still around to see it. 

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