Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23 - This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!


Arabs gained control of most of Palestine from the Byzantine Empire on this date in history in 636. Also on this day in 1148, Crusaders attacked Damascus in Syria. Frederik II crowns himself Roman Catholic king on this day in 1215. On this day in 1253, Jews were expelled from Vienne, France, by order of Pope Innocent III. More depressing news, as it was on this day in 1298 that the Rindfleisch Persecutions  too place, when a Jewish community in Wurzburg Germany, was massacred. The Battle of Shrewsbury, fought between the Percys against King Henry IV, took place on this day in 1403. On this day in 1431, G Cesarini opened the Counsel of Basel (Ferrara/Florence). The Battle at Gavere, where Philip the Good defeated the Gentse rebellion, took place on this day in 1453. In 1532, Karel I & the evangelical monarchy signed the Peace of Neurenberg on this date. Also on this day in 1540, the Ottoman Empire recognized Janos Sigismund Zapolyai as vassal-king of Hungary. The Battle at Grevelingen took place o this day in 1558, when General and Earl Lamoraal van Egmont defeated France on this day. Caravaggio's first public commission for paintings fell on this day in 1599. On this day in 1632, threee hundred colonists left Dieppe, France, heading for New France (Canada). On this day in 1645, Aleksei Mihailovitch Romanov succeeded his father Michael as Czar of Russia. Four British ships arrived at Boston on this day in 1664 to force the Dutch out of New York. The first lighthouse in the United States was authorized for construction at Little Brewster Island, Massachusetts, on this day in 1715. In 1726 on this day, Benjamin Franklin sailed back to Philadelphia. Charles Stuart, the Younger, landed at Eriskay Island, Hebrides, on this day in 1745. In 1764 on this day, James Otis published views on taxation without representation. The Prussians conquered Mayence on this day in 1793. Napoleon captured Alexandria, Egypt, on this day in 1798. Robert Emmett led a rebellion in Dublin, Ireland, on this day in 1803. The Battle of Mogilev between Russia and France took place on this day in 1812 in the early stages of Napolean's invasion of Russia. It was on this day in 1829 that William Burt patented the typographer, which was essentially the first typewriter. On this day in 1834 the HMS Beagle, which of course was part of the journey where young Charles Darwin would develop his theories on the evolution of species, anchored in Bay of Valparaiso in Chile. The Union Act was passed by British Parliament on this day in 1840, uniting Upper & Lower Canada. On this day in 1848, the Battle of Custoza in  theItalian War of Independence began. In 1851 on this day, the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux was signed between Sioux Indians and the United States. The Jewish Disabilities Removal Act was passed by the British Parliament on this day in 1858. In 1864 on this day during the American Civil War, the Battle of Woodstock, Virginia took place. On this day in 1870, Emperor Napoleon III appointed the Empress Eugenie as Regent of France. Aires de Ornelas e Vasconcelos was appointed as the Archbishop of the Portuguese colonial enclave of Goa.on this day in 1874. The first telephone & telegraph line in Hawaii completed on this day in 1877. Also, on this day in 1880, the first commercial hydroelectric power planet was started in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the United States, died on this day in 1885 at Mount McGregor, N.Y., at the age of 63. On this day in 1900, the Pan-African Congress met in London. In 1903 on this day, the Ford Motor Company sold it's first Model A car. Here's a good one for these hot summer days: the ice cream cone was invented by Charles E. Menches on this day in 1904 during the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri. There were pogroms against Jews in Odessa on this day in 1906. On this day in 1913, Arabs attacked the Jewish community of Rechovot in Palestine. On this day in 1914, shortly after the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian assassin, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia. This was one of the major actions that ultimately led to the outbreak of World War I. British East Africa was renamed Kenya on this day in 1920 & became a British crown colony. The Chinese Communist Party formed on this day in 1921 under Henk Sneevliet. 1926 - On this day in 1926 in France, the government of Poincaré was formed. In 1929 on this day, the Fascist government of Italy banned the use of foreign words. One year later, an earthquake struck in Ariano Italy, with 1,500 ultimately killed. On this day in 1935, an airplane crashed into the Empire State Building. In science new, on this day in 1937, the isolation of pituitary hormone was announced at Yale University. This is also the anniversary of the German bombing of London during an all night "Blitz" air raid by German bombers. This was a busy day during World War II in 1942. On this day, the Germans conquered Rostow. Also on this day in 1942, Hitler's Directive #45, an order for German troops to occupy Stalingrad, was issued. Ultimately, however, the German Army was not able to satisfy this order by Hitler, and that would prove to be the major turning point of the war against the Germans. Also on this day in 1942, the Treblinka Concentration Camp was destroyed. Finally on this day in 1942, Operation Edelweiss was begun. This say is the anniversary of Battle of Koersk in 1943, when Soviets forces defeated Nazi Germany defeat (6,000 tanks). On that same day, the US 45th Infantry division occupied the north coast of Termini. On this day in 1944, the Conference of Bretton Woods was signed; and the IMF operations began. This day in history was a busy one in 1944 during World War II. The Soviet Army marched into Lublin, Poland. Also on this day in 1944, American forces invaded Japanese-held Tinian in the Pacific, and occupied Pisa, Italy in Europe. On this day in 1945, the former World War I hero turned disgraced French collaborationist dictator of the Vichy government Marshal Henri Pétain went on trial. He would be given a life sentence. Interestingly, Pétain also died on this day in 1951 at the age of 95 and regarded as a disgrace. On this day in 1946, Menachem Begins opposition group bombed King David Hotel. There was a bloodless coup in Egypt on this day in 1952, as revolution broke out in Egypt, with the military taking power. The next year, the monarchy was overthrown and abolished, with the day turning into a holiday (National Day). For the first time since the days of pharaohs, Egypt was again ruled by Egyptians. Egyptian military officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew King Farouk I. General Neguib seized power, Monarchy overthrown in Egypt (Natl Day). On this day in 1956, the Bell X-2 rocket plane set a new world aircraft speed record of 3,050 kph. Also on this day in 1956, the Loi Cadre was passed by the French Republic in order to govern French overseas territory affairs. In 1958 on this day, the first four women were named to peerage in the House of Lords in the United Kingdom. Also today in 1958, the submarine Nautilus took off from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, uwith orders to conduct "Operation Sunshine." This mission made this the first vessel to cross the North Pole by ship. The Nautilus achieved the goal on August 3, 1958. On this day in 1959, American Vice-President Richard Nixon began his visit of the USSR. It was on this day in 1962 that the International Agreement on the Neutrality of Laos is signed. On this day in 1964, the Egyptian munition ship "Star of Alexandria" exploded at dockside in Bone, Algeria, killing 100 and injuring 160 more, with $20 million of damage. The Beatles released the album "Help" in the UK on this day in 1965. Also in Beatles news, the Cavern Club in Liverpool reopened on this day in 1966. It was on this day in 1966 that Napoleon XIV released "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha! Ha!" There was a major race riot in Detroit on this day in 1967, with 43 dying and over 2,000 injured, and with 442 fires overall. On this day in 1968 came the first hijacking by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)  of an El Al plane. In 1968 on this day, there was a race riot in Cleveland, with 11 overall killed, including three police officers. On this day in 1970, Qaboos ibn Sa'id became the Sultan of Oman after overthrowing his father, Sa'id ibn Taimur. In 1972 on this day, the U.S. launched Landsat 1 (ERTS-1), which proved to be the first Earth-resources satellite. On this day in 1973, an Ozark AL plane knocked out of air by lightning, St Louis-36 die. On this day in 1973, President Richard Nixon refused to release Watergate tapes of conversations in the White House relevant to the Watergate investigation. In 1974 on this day, the Greek military dictatorship collapsed. In 1976 on this day, Wings released "Let 'em In." The Israeli government rejects Sadat's call for return of 2 Sinai areas on this day in 1978, On this day in  1980, Billy Carter admitted to being paid by Libya. In 1980 on this day, President Jimmy Carter designated the River of No Return Wilderness Area. Also on this day in 1980, the Soyuz 37 ferried a couple of cosmonauts (ione was Vietnamese) to Salyut 6. In 1982 on this day, the FCC approved AM stereo radio, KTSA San Antonio goes stereo. On this day in 1982, the International Whaling Commision voted for a total ban on commercial whaling, which began in 1985. In 1986 on this day, King Hassan II met with Israeli premier Simon Peres. On this day in 1989, perhaps foreshadowing things to come, FOX-TV topped ABC, NBC & CBS for the first time (America's Most Wanted). In South-Africa, worker's union leader Billy Nair was arrested on this day in 1990, even though that country was supposed to be in the process of reform after President FW DeKlerk had announced that apartheid had failed and would be terminated earlier in the year. On this day in 1992 was the funeral for Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie, [Ras Tafari Makonnen]. On this day in 1993, there was a crash of a B737 crash at Yinchuan, China, with at least 66 killed. In 1994 on this day, Space shuttle STS-65: Columbia 17, landed after a record of 14 days 55 minutes. On this day in  1995, the Hale-Bopp comet was discovered by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp. It became visible to the naked eye one year later. Serbian Slobodan Milosevic was sworn in as President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on this day in 1997. On this day in 1998, American scientists at the University of Hawaii turned out more than 50 "carbon-copy" mice, with a cloning technique. Crown Prince Mohammed Ben Al-Hassan was crowned King Mohammed VI of Morocco on the death of his father on this day in 1999. Also on this day in 1999, ANA Flight 61 was hijacked in Tokyo, Japan. Three bombs exploded in the Naama Bay area of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, on this day in 2005, killing 88 people. Cape Verde joined the World Trade Organization on this day in 2008, becoming its 153rd member of the global organization. Finally, on this day in 2012, there were a series of attacks across Iraq, ultimately killing 103 people.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:





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