Thursday, July 18, 2024

Media Manipulation & Clickbait Styled Headlines

Saw this particular post on Facebook recently, and thought it was worth sharing here. It just feels like it rings true.

Manipulation of news stories by the media might not usually be quite this blatant. However, it is increasingly obvious and getting really bad as of late. It has reached a point where it seems most people - regardless of their political affiliation - feel like they are being lied to, misled. That has contributed to the toxic political atmosphere in the United States and other western countries in recent years. The media tries to control the narrative either through slanted stories, or on what they choose to cover, and what never sees the light of day.

Even when stories are printed or aired, we too often get something which feels like it is not the real truth. There is a feeling for many of us that what is being said is not the full story, and that what is not being said is perhaps at least as important as what is being said.

Unfortunately, this is really how the media seems to work these days. Headlines too often serve basically much like clickbait. What we often wind up getting are flashy headlines, but not much actual substance in the articles themselves.

Then when it comes to science, it is often the scientists who are blamed for this manipulation, even though they are not the ones doing the manipulation.

What a world we live in.

Al'awal Mlik July 12, 2024:

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