Monday, July 29, 2024

Paris Olympic Games 2024: Equality At the Olympics The Skating Lesson


The Olympics have certainly altered since the days when I was a kid. Some ways, it changed for the better. In other ways, it changed for the worse, in my opinion. 

I grew up with the idea - which still was true at the time - that the Olympics were for amateur athletes only. Professionals could not compete in the games. That changed, and in a huge way. I remember the 1992 "Dream Team" representing the United States, and it seemed like everyone realized that from this point onwards, the Olympic Games would never quite be the same. 

Also, the Olympics have gotten ridiculously commercialized. It takes enormous sums of money just to even be considered as a host city for the Olympics these days. Then, it costs a tremendous amount of money to actually host the games. The city of Montréal was still paying for the debts incurred from hosting the 1976 Summer Games three decades later.

Those would be mostly negative ways that I feel the games have changed over time in history. However, they have changed in other, more positive ways.

Here, apparently, is one of them. The ratio of female to male athletes traditionally paled by way of comparison...until now. I am guessing that this is factual information. It seemed worth sharing here:

The Skating Lesson 22 July, 2024:

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