Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27 - This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

On this day in 432, St Celestine ended his reign as the Catholic Pope. The first Battle of Bouvines was fought on this day in France, when King Philip Augustus of France defeated John of England and Emperor Otto IV. The Treaty of San-Germano between Emperor Frederik II & Pope Gregory IX was signed on this day in 1230. On this day in 1245, Frederick II was deposed by a council at Lyons after they found him guilty of sacrilege. On this day in 1280, Sogen Mugaku, the founder of the Engakuji temple, arrived in Japan from China. On this day in 1298, Albert (Albrecht) I, the son of Rudolf of Habsburg, was crowned King of the Germans. Danish King Waldemar IV destroyed Visby, Gotland, in present day Sweden on this day in 1360. Copernicus was formally installed as Canon of Frauenberg Cathedral on this day in 1501. The Jesuit priest Francis Xavier's ship reached Japan on this day in 1549. On this day in 1563, the French army recaptured Le Havre from the English. Here's a little historical fact with dire health implications: it was on this day in 1586 that Sir Walter Raleigh brought the first tobacco to England from Virginia. Prince Frederik Henry captured the castle of Gennep on this day in 1641. On this day in 1643, Oliver Cromwell defeated Royalist forces at the Battle of Gainsborough. On this day in 1655,  Jews of New Amsterdam (modern day New York) petitioned for a Jewish cemetery. The Netherlands & Brandenburg signed a military treaty on this day in 1655. Parliament confirmed the Navigation Act on this day in 1661. The British Parliament passed a second Navigation Act, which required all goods bound for the colonies be sent in British ships from British ports. On this day in 1689, Battle of Killicrankie was fought, when Jacobite Scottish Highlanders under Viscount Dundee defeated the royal government forces under General MacKay. On this day in 1694, the Bank of England received a royal charter as a commercial institution. Russia & the Ottoman Empire signed a peace treaty on this day in 1713. The Russians defeated the Swedish fleet in the Battle at Hango (Hangut) on this day in 1714. On this day in 1714, English Queen Anne fired premier Robert Haley. The second important victory of the Russian Navy came on this day in 1720 during the Battle of Grengam. On this day in 1775, Benjamin Rush began his service as the first Surgeon General of the Continental Army. The Marquis de Lafayette arrived in New England to help the rebellious American colonists fight the British on this day in 1777. In 1784 on this day, "Courier De L’Amerique" became the first French newspaper to be published in the United States. It was printed in Philadelphia, PA. On this day in 1778, the British and French fleets fought to a standoff in the first Battle of Ushant. On this day in 1789, Congress established the Department of Foreign Affairs, which later came to be known as the State Department. The Coup of Thermidor and the Fall of Robespierre in Paris came on this day in 1794. Robespierre is largely considered to have been the main architect of "The Terror" during the French Revolution. One year later on this day in 1795, Spain & France signed a peace treaty. On this day in 1804, the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. With this amendment Electors were directed to vote for a President and for a Vice-President rather than for two choices for President. The Battle at Talavera was fought on this day in 1809, with the British and Spanish armies fighting against the French army of Napoleon. On this day in 1816, US troops destroyed Fort Apalachicola, a Seminole fort, to punish Indians for harboring runaway slaves. On this day in 1830, another Revolution broke out in Paris, opposing the laws of Charles X. The city of Adelaide, South Australia, was founded on this day in 1836. The US Mint opened on this day in 1837 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Chartist riots broke out in Birmingham England, on this day in 1839. A fire destroyed the US mint at Charlotte, North Carolina on this day in 1844. The Battle of Mathias Point, Virginia was fought on this day in 1861, resulting in Rebel forces repelling a Federal landing. The Battle of St Augustine Springs, in the New Mexico Territory, was fought on this day in 1861, and Confederate troops occupied Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, on that day. Union General George McClellan took command of the Army of the Potomac from McDowell on this day in 1861. A massive hurricane hit Canton, China, and caused massive destruction, killing 40,000 on this day in 1862. The Steamer "Golden Gate" burned & sank off the west coast of Mexico on this day in 1862. The Battle of Darbytown, Virginia, was fought on this day in 1864 (Deep Bottom, Newmarket Road) (Strawberry Plains). On this day in 1865, Welsh settlers arrived at Chubut in Argentina. On this day in 1866, 1866 - Cyrus Field successfully completed the Atlantic Cable. It was an underwater telegraph from North America to Europe (it was 1,686 miles long). A P Abourne patented a process for refining coconut oil on this day in 1880. The Battle of Maiwand, at which Dr Watson was wounded, broke out on this day in 1880. Philip Pratt unveiled the first electric automobile on this day in 1888. Titus van Wyck succeeded M de Savornin Lohman as Governor of Suriname on this day in 1891. The Dutch government of Pierson/Goeman Borgesius resigned on this day in 1897. The Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Dancing Men" was supposed to have begun on this day in 1898. On this day in 1909, aviator Orville Wright set a record for the longest airplane flight. He was testing the first Army airplane and kept it in the air for 1 hour 12 minutes and 40 seconds. On this day in 1914. British troops invaded Dublin, Ireland, and began to disarm Irish rebels on this day in 1914. Felix Manalo registered the Iglesia ni Cristo with the Filipino government. The Allies reached the Yser Canal at the Battle of Passchendaele on this day in 1917. On this day in 1918, the Socony 200 was launched. It was the first concrete barge in the United States (New York) and was used to carry oil. There was a race riot in Chicago on this day in 1919, with 15 whites & 23 blacks killed, and 500 injured. In 1920 on this day, a radio compass used for the first time for aircraft navigation. On this day in 1921, Canadian biochemist Frederick Banting, Charles Best, and associates announced the discovery of the hormone insulin at the University of Toronto. On this day in 1922, the International Geographical Union formed in Brussels. The VIIIth Olympic games closed in Paris on this day in 1924. On this day in 1931, Chilean President Carlos Ibáñez was forced out. In 1931 on tis day, grasshoppers in Iowa, Nebraska & South Dakota destroyed thousands of acres of crops. On tuis day in 1932,  Paul Gorgoulov, the assassin of French president Doumer, was sentenced to death. The French Socialist/Communist Party of People's Front formed on this day in 1934. Massive floods at Yangtzee Jiang & Hoangh, killed 145,000 on this day in 1935. Billboard magazine started publishing bestseller charts on this day in 1940
Also on this day in 1940, Bugs Bunny made his official debut in the Warner Brothers animated cartoon "A Wild Hare." The German army entered Ukraine on this day in 1941. Japanese forces landed in Indo-China on this day in 1941. 772 British bombers attacked Hamburg on this day in 1943. On this day in 1944, the first British jet fighter was used in combat (Gloster Meteor). The Soviet Army freed Majdanek concentration camp on this day in 1944. American forces liberated Guam from the Japanese in 1944. On that same day, American troops occupied Le Mesnil-Herman/Hill 183 Normandy. On this day in 1947, the World Water Ski Organization was founded in Geneva, Switzerland. Otto Skorzeny escaped an anti-Nazi camp at Darmstadt on this day in 1948. The first jet-propelled airline (De Havilland Comet) flew on this day in 1949. On this day in 1950, President Harry Truman promised aid to Taiwan. It was on this day in 1953 that North Korea & the United Nations signed an armistice agreement that ended the Korean War. It was signed at Panmunjon, Korea. On this day in 1953, the Vatican disallowed priest holiday work in factories. An armistice was signed on this day in 1954, dividing Vietnam into two countries, North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The Allied occupation (four countries) of Austria ended on this day in 1955. On this day in 1955, an Israeli passenger plane was shot down above Bulgaria, with 58 killed. On this day in 1962, the Mariner 2 was launched to Venus on a flyby mission. Also on this day in 1962, clergyman and civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. was jailed in Albany Georgia. General Amin al-Hafez became the President of Syria on this day in 1963. The conflict in Southeast Asia escalated when President Lyndon Johnson sent an additional 5,000 advisers to South Vietnam on this day in 1964. On this day in 1965 in the United States, the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act was signed into law by President Johnson. The law required health warnings on all cigarette packages about the effects of smoking. Also on this day in 1965, Pierre Harmel formed a govrnment in Belgium. On this day in 1967, President Johnson appointed the Kerner Commission to study the causes of the urban violence in the wake of recent rioting. Also on this day in 1967,  Arabs Federation Premier Hoesein Al Bayoomi resigned. There was a race riot on this day in 1968. Pioneer 10 was launched on this day in 1969. On this day in 1974, the U.S. Congress by a vote of 27-11 voted for impeachment procedures for obstruction of justice against President Nixon. On this day in 1976, an 8.2 Tangshan earthquake in China killed an estimated 240,000 people. On this day in 1976, Japanese ex-Premier Tanaka was arrested (Lockheed Affair). John Lennon was granted a green card for permanent residence in the United States on this day in 1977. On this day in 1980, the deposed Shah of Iran, Muhammad Riza Pahlavi, died in a hospital near Cairo, Egypt. Also on this day in 1980, a Palestinian terrorist threw a hand grenade at Jewish children in Antwerp, killing one person. In 1982 on this day, Indian Prime Mnister Indira Gandhi had the first visit to the United States in almost 11 years. On this day in 1987, John Demjanjuk, the accused Nazi "Ivan the Terrible," testified in Israel. The first expedited salvaging of the wreckage of the Titanic was begun by RMS Titanic, Inc. On this day in 1988, General Sein Lwin succeeded Ne Win as President of Burma. In 1993 on this day, the Mafia bombed historical buildings in Rome, Milan, and Vatican City, killing five. On this day in 1995, the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., was dedicated in Washington, DC, by President Bill Clinton and South Korean President Kim Young-sam. It was on this day in 1996 that a bomb exploded at the Atlanta Olympic Park, killing one person and injuring 110 people. The Si Zerrouk massacre in Algeria occured on this day in 1997,  with about 50 people killed. In 1999 on this day, Space Shuttle Discovery completed a five-day mission commanded by Air Force Col. Eileen Collins. It was the first shuttle mission to be commanded by a woman. In 2002 on this day,  a Sukhoi Su-27 fighter crashed during an air show at Lviv, Ukraine killing 85 and injuring more than 100 others. It was the largest air show disaster in history. On this day in 2003, it was reported by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) that there was no monster in Loch Ness. The investigation used 600 separate sonar beams and satellite navigation technology to trawl the loch. Reports of sightings of the "Loch Ness Monster" began in the 6th century. In 2005 on this day, STS-114: NASA grounded the Space shuttle, pending an investigation of the external tank's continued foam-shedding problem. During ascent, the external tank of the Space Shuttle Discovery shed a piece of foam slightly smaller than the piece that caused the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster; this foam did not strike the spacecraft. On this day in 2006, the Federal Republic of Germany was deemed guilty in the loss of Bashkirian 2937 and DHL Flight 611, because it was illegal to outsource flight surveillance.Finally, on this day in 2007, two news helicopters from Phoenix, Arizona television stations KNXV and KTVK collided over Steele Indian School Park in central Phoenix while covering a police chase. There were no survivors. It was the first known incidence of two news helicopters colliding in mid-air, and the worst civil aviation incident in Phoenix history.   

Also, something more of a pleasant memory to me than anything else, it was on this day in history, back in 1990, that the last ever Citroen 2CV, one of my personal favorite cars of all time, rolled off a factory line in Portugal. This car was France's answer to the Volkswagon Beetle, and has a funny history in it's own right (perhaps I will get more into that in some future blog entry). It is an oddly charming looking car, with a distinctive shape. It looked old, even antique. The main idea was that it was a small, affordable car, and it had some really cool advantages. In particular, it was simple (which is what helped to make it financially viable), and so easy to fix as a result. As the name suggests, it only had two horsepower, but it was a car, and it had the advantage of being easily converted into a makeshift convertible. These cars used to be all over the place in France, among other places - as common as the Volkswagon Beetle. But all good things come to an end, and the last one was made in Portugal in 1990.

A picture of a Citroen 2CV driving on the streets of Paris.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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