Monday, July 22, 2024

Joe Biden Has Dropped Out Of the 2024 Presidential Race

It felt inevitable as the days turned to weeks since the debate.

Like it or not, Joe Biden was slipping, and badly, in the polls. Nobody could forget just how confused and even self-destructive he appeared during that first debate.

Now, I still feel that Biden received quite a bit too much criticism throughout this campaign, while Trump seemed to get off free, particularly with all of those lies, the bitterness and divisiveness, as well as all of the chaos that seems to follow Trump everywhere.

The thing is, Biden's age began to feel like it was growing worse and worse, and the signs were everywhere, quite visible.

Before long, it felt like a bad joke. The videos of him seemingly showing signs of serious decline just kept coming. Of course, the worst of them all was the debate. That was bad enough to be almost painful to see. He was in bad shape there, and it was clear that it was not merely because he was feeling sick or had jetlag. The official White House excuses just felt more than a little disingenuous. 

Perhaps the Democrats just need a shot in the arm, something to rejuvenate the campaign. Maybe this was it.

Let's hope so. Really, it began to feel like the Democrats were handing this one to King Con Don and his Cult 45 following on a silver platter.

However, it felt like the timing was too late. This should have been done early this year if not even sooner, so that another president might be possible.

Still, let us hope that this is a case of better late than never. We now will have another Democratic candidate other than Joe Biden, and that in and of itself feels like a boost of energy. Whether it finally does end up being Vice-President Kamala Harris, or perhaps some other Democrat comes out of the woodwork and takes on Trump, this began to feel inevitable. And so the fact that it came not only well before the Democratic Convention, but even before August, feels like a good move.

Whether for better or for worse - and I already expressed my belief that it could not have been much worse than the trend ever since that infamous debate - it is a whole new race now. It makes it a bit more interesting. So let's see what happens now.

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