Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Wow! What a fascinating day in history this was! British officer James Wolfe defeated the French at Louisbourg, taking the fortified city for the British. One year later, the French left Toconderoga on this day in history. The US Postal Service was established by the Second Contiental Congress, with Benjamin Franklin serving as the first Postmaster, and Bolivar and San Martin met secretly on this day in history. Liberia declared it's independence on this day in 1847 and, exactly one year later, the first convention advocating equal rights for women in the United States began at Seneca Falls! Richard Wagner's opera "Parsifal" premiered in Beirut. It was on this day that the Axis powers decided to intervene in the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Nine years later on this day, with Germany defeated and laying in ruins, the Declaration of Potsdam demanded Japan's unconditional surrender. Churchill resigned as British Prime Minister on this day in 1945. Fidel Castro began a rebellion against Felgenico Batista, which became known as the "26th of July Movement". Maldives achieved independence from Great Britain. President George H. W. Bush signed the "Americans With Disabilities Act". And it was on this day in 2005 that Mumbai, India received 99.5cm of rain (39.17 inches) within a 24 hour span, essentially crippling the city for days.

Here are some more things that happened, in greater detail:

The Battle of Siffin was fought on this day in 657. Also, the Battle at Pliska was fought on this day in history in 811, when the Bulgarians under their monarch Krum defeated the Byzantines. In 920 on this day, there was a rout of an alliance of Christian troops from Navarre and Léon against the Muslims at Pamplona. The Inquisition formed on this day in 1267 in Rome under Pope Clement IV. On this day in 1309, Henry VII is recognized King of the Romans by Pope Clement V. In the Wars of the Roses on this day in 1469, the Battle of Edgecote Moor was fought between the forces of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick against those of King Edward IV. On this day in 1497, "Edward IV's son" Perkin Warbeck's army landed in Cork. Alonso de Ojeda discovered Curacao Island on this day in 1499. Francisco Pizarro received a royal charter for the west coast of South America on this day in 1519. James V was declared fit to govern by the Scottish Parliament on this day in 1524. On this day in 1529, Francisco Pizarro was appointed as the Governor of Peru. On this day in 1576, Muitende Spanish troops conquered Aalst. Francis Drake left San Francisco to cross the Pacific Ocean on this day in 1579. John Hawkins became a knight on this day in 1588. Rembrandt declared that he was insolvent on this day in 1656. On this day in 1663, France annexed Venaissin. England and Netherlands signed a treaty and sent an ultimatum to France on this day in 1678. The Battle at Hastenbeck was fought on this day in 1757, when the French army defeated the Duke of Cumberland. On this day in 1758, British officer James Wolfe defeated the French and conquered Louisbourg, taking the fortified city in Nova Scotia for the British. One year later on this day in 1759, the French left Ticonderoga. On this day in 1760,  Austrian troops occupied Fort Glatz Silezie. The US Postal Service was established on this day in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia, with Benjamin Franklin serving as the first Postmaster. On this day in 1788, New York became the 11th state to ratify the Constitution. In 1790 on this day, the United States passed the Assumption Bill, making the national government responsible for state debts. On this day in 1803, the Surrey Iron Railway, arguably the world's first public railway, opened in South London. On this day in 1805, Naples/Calabria was struck by a major Earthquake, killing approximately 26,000. Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin met secretly on this day in history in 1822. There were riots on this day in 1826 in Vilnus, Lithuanian, which resulted in the death of many Jews. On this day in 1832, the HMS Beagle anchored in Montevideo, Uruguay. The first sugar cane plantation in Hawaii was begun on this day in 1835. Liberia declared it's independence from the American Colonization Society on this day in 1847, becoming Africa's first republic. Exactly one year later on this day in 1848, the first convention advocating equal rights for women in the United States began at Seneca Falls, New York. On this day in 1858, Baron Lionel de Rothschild became the first Jew elected to the British Parliament. The Battle of Salineville, in Ohio, was fought on this day in 1863, when John Hunt Morgan & 364 troops ultimately surrendered. There was a riot at McCook's to Lovejoy Station and Stoneman's to Macon on this day in 1864 in Georgia. Also on this day in 1864, the Battle at Ezra Chapel (Church), Georgia was fought, resulting in Hood's Third Sortie.  Patrick Francis Healy became the first black awarded a PhD atLouvain, Belgium, on this day in 1865. On this day in 1878 in California, the poet and American West outlaw calling himself "Black Bart" made his last clean getaway after stealing a safe box from a Wells Fargo stagecoach. He found that the empty box had a taunting poem inside. On this day in 1881, French marines occupied the Tunisian harbor city of Sfax. Also on this day in 1881, Thomas Edison and Patrick Kenny executed a patent application for a facsimile telegraph (U.S. Pat. 479,184). Richard Wagner's opera "Parsifal" premiered in Beirut on this day in 1882. The first Esperanto book was published on this day in 1887. Henry James' "American," premiered in London on this day in 1891 France annexed Tahiti on this day in 1891. On this day in 1908, the Department of Justice under United States Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte issued an order to immediately staff the Office of the Chief Examiner, which was later to be known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation. On this day in 1914, Austria-Hungary condemned the Serbian ultimatum. Also on this day in 1914, the German Chief of Staff General von Moltke gave an ultimatum on Belgium. On this day in 1926, the National Bar Association was incorporated. It was on this day in 1936 that the Axis powers decided to intervene in the Spanish Civil War in 1936. One year later on this day came te end of the Battle of Brunete in the Spanish Civil War. On this day in 1944 during World War II, Soviet troops arrived at Weichsel, the United States Army'soffensive at St-Lo/2nd Armour division occupied St Gilles, and the first German V-2 rocket hit Great Britain. One year later on this day, with Germany defeated and laying in ruins, the Declaration of Potsdam the United States, Great Britain, and China demanded Japan's unconditional surrender, which Japan ignored. Also on that same day in 1945, Churchill resigned as British Prime Minister after Labour won in a landslide general election, with Clement Attlee becoming Prime Minister. On this day in 1947, President Truman signed The National Security Act, which created the National Security Council, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. On this day in 1948, President Harry Truman issued Executive Order Number 9981 directing "equality of treatment & opportunity" in armed forces, effectively ordering the desegregation of all US forces. The KNIL (Royal Dutch East Indies Army) united on this day in 1950. On this day in 1951, Netherlands ended the state of war with Germany. King Farouk I of Egypt abdicated on this day [Black Saturday] in 1952 in the wake of a coup led by Gamal Abdel Nasser. Argentina's first lady, Eva Perón, died on this day in 1952 in Buenos Aires at age 33. On this day in 1953, Fidel Castro was part of a group of rebelling anti-Batistas who unsuccessfully attacked an army barracks, marking the beginning of a rebellion against the regime of Felgenico Batista, which became known as the "26th of July Movement". Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser seized the Suez Canal on tis day in 1956. The USSR launched the first intercontinental multistage ballistic missile on this day in 1957. Also on this day in 1957, Carlos Castillo Armas, the dictator of Guatemala, was assassinated. The Italian government of Fanfani formed on this day in 1960. The Maria Oeljanov, which was the first airship with nuclear missiles, arrived in Cuba on this day in 1962. Skopje, in Yugoslavia, was partially destroed on this day in 1963, with over a thousand reported dead. On that same day in 1963, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development voted to admit Japan. On this day in 1964, Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa was convicted of fraud & conspiracy. The Republic of Maldives gained independence from Great Britain on this day in 1965, known since as their National Day. On this day in 1966, Lord Gardiner issued the Practice Statement in the House of Lords stating that the House was not bound to follow its own previous precedent. John Lennon and Paul McCartney completed the song "Hey Jude" on this day in 1968. Sharon Sites Adams, 39, became the first woman to solo sail the Pacific on this day in 1969. Light flashes were seen on Jupiter's moon Io on this day in 1983. President George H. W. Bush signed the "Americans With Disabilities Act" on this day in 1990. A Boeing 737-500 crashed in South Korea on this day in 1993, killing 66. On that same day in 1993, the Mars Observer took the first photo of Mars, from 5 billion kilometers away. Cambodia's Red Khmer launched a surprise attack on a train on this day in 1994, killing 13. The Turkish air force bombed Kurds in the struggle in Iraq, on this day in 1994, killing 70. AT&T and British Telecommunications PLC announced that they were forming a joint venture to combine international operations and develop a new Internet system on this day in 1998. And it was on this day in 2005 that Mumbai, India received 99.5cm of rain (39.17 inches) within a 24 hour span, essentially crippling the city for days.  Here are some more things that happened, in greater detail: Also on this day in 2005, the Space Shuttle program: STS-114 Mission - Launch of Discovery, which was NASA's first scheduled flight mission after the Columbia Disaster in 2003. Samir Geagea, the Lebanese Forces (LF) leader, was released on this day in 2005 after spending 11 years in a solitary confinement. His release came after the end of the Syrian occupation to Lebanon. At least 200 people are killed in a day of violence in Syria on this day in 2012. An insurgent attack killed 19 people and destroyed a helicopter at Baqubah, Iraq, on this day in 2012. Finally, on this day in 2012, North Korea was hit by Tropical Storm Khanun, killing 88 people and leaving 60,000 people homeless

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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