Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30th - This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

On this day in 579, Benedict I ended his reign as Catholic Pope. In 657 on this day, St Vitalian began his reign as Catholic Pope, succeeding Eugene I. On this day in 1178, Frederick I (Barbarossa), the Holy Roman Emperor, was crowned King of Burgundy. In 1419 on this day, Anti-Catholic Hussites, followers of the executed reformer Jan Hus, stormed the Prague town hall and threw the judge, mayor and several city council members (either 7 or 13) out the windows. They all either died in the fall or were killed by the crowd outside. On this day in 1502, Christopher Columbus landed at Guanaja in the Bay Islands off the coast of Honduras during his fourth voyage to the Americas. On this day in 1537, the Ditch and French had a ceasefire during the Resistance of Bomy. A Spanish garrison of Rhine Birch surrendered to Earl Mauritius on this day in 1601. On this day in 1618, Prince Maurits' troops pulled into Utrecht. On this day in 1619, the first legislative assembly in English North America convened in Jamestown, Virginia (known as the House of Burgesses). An earthquake that killed an estimated 10,000 hit Naples, Italy, on this day in 1626. On this day in 1646, the English parliament gives King Charles I of England the Newcastle Propositions. Prince Willem II occupied Amsterdam on this day in 1650. Johan de Witt was sworn in as pension advisor of Holland on this day in 1653. On this day in 1655, Dutch troops occupied Fort Assahudi Seram. English troops landed in Flanders on this day in 1678. On this day in 1715,  a fleet of Spanish ships carrying gold and silver disappeared off the coast of Florida, by St. Lucie. On this day in 1733, the first Freemasons lodge opened in the original thirteen colonies in Boston. Caspar Wistar began glass manufacturing in Allowaystown, New Jersey, on this day in 1739. In 1756 on this day, Bartolomeo Rastrelli presented the newly-built Catherine Palace to Empress Elizabeth and her courtiers. The city of Baltimore was founded in Maryland on this day in 1759. In 1775 on this day, Captain Cook returned to England with Resolution. 

Images of the French Revolution

500 men in Marseilles, France sang "La Marseillaise", the tune which would become France's now long standing national anthem, for the first time on this day in 1792 during the days of the French Revolution. On this day in 1809, a British armed force of 39,000 landed in Walcheren, Netherlands, with the intent of opening up another front in Austria's struggle against Napoleon's France. On this day in 1811, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, the leader of the Mexican insurgency, was executed by the Spanish in Chihuahua, Mexico. In 1822 on this day, James Varick became the first bishop of African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. On this day in 1824, Gioacchino Rossini became the manager of Theatre Italian, Paris. Malden Island was discovered on this day in 1825. On this day in 1826, Java prince Dipo Negoro launched a surprise attack on the Dutch colony, with 82 killed. In 1836 on this day, the first English newspaper published in Hawaii. Slaves rebelled and took over the slave ship Amistad on this day in 1839. On this day in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued an "eye-for-eye" order to shoot a rebel prisoner for every black prisoner shot. Also on this day in 1863 farther West, Chief Pocatello of the Shoshone tribe signed the Treaty of Box Elder, promising to stop harassing the emigrant trails in southern Idaho and northern Utah. The Battle of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, was fought on this day in 1864, and was burned by Union forces under McCausland. Also on this day in 1864 during the American Civil War, the Battle of the Crater was fought, when General Burnsides failed on his attack of Petersburg. Pope Pius IX visited Suriname on this day in 1865. On this day in 1866, New Orleans's Democratic government ordered police to raid an integrated Republican Party meeting, killing 40 people and injuring 150. In 1870 on this day, Staten Island ferry "Westfield" burned, killing 100. On this day in 1872, Mahlon Loomis patented the wireless telegraphy. German anti-Semitism began during the Reichstag election on this day in 1878. Also on this day in 1878, there was a Russian assault on Plevna in the Ottoman Empire (modern day Turkiye), with 7,300 Russian casualties. This day in 1889 marked the start of Sherlock Holmes adventure "Naval Treaty." On this day in 1898, Will Kellogg invented Corn Flakes. On this day in 1898, "Scientific America" carried the first magazine automobile ad. The ad was for the Winton Motor Car Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Anti-Jewish rioters attacked a funeral procession of Rabbi Joseph in New York City on this day in 1902. The Dutch Covenant of Worker's Union, NVV, formed on this day in 1905. Around the World Automobile Race ended in Paris on this day in 1908. On this day in 1909, the Wright Brothers delivered the first military plane to the army. This day in 1913 marked the conclusion of second Balkan War. Austrian-Hungary & Russia proclaimed a general mobilization on this day in 1914, in the very early days of "The Great War," or World War I. French troops withdrew 10 kilometres from the German border on this day in 1914. John French was appointed as the British supreme commander on this day in 1914. On this day in 1916, despite official American neutrality at the time during the so-called "Great War (World War I), German saboteurs blew up a munitions plant on Black Tom Island, in New Jersey. German saboteurs blow up a munitions plant on Black Tom Island, in Jersey City, New Jersey. On this day in 1917, the Board of Commissioners of Cleveland Metroparks held its first meeting. New Zealand claimed the Ross Dependency in Antarctica on this day in 1923. Albanian boundaries were defined on this day in 1926. George Eastman showed the first color motion pictures in the United States on this day in 1928. 


The Championship for the first ever FIFA International World Cup Tournament was decided in the final match between Uruguay and Argentina on this day in 1930.

Uruguay defeated Argentina 4-2 on this day in 1930 to win the championship at the first ever football/soccer World Cup  in Montevideo, Uruguay. The X modern Olympic games opened in Los Angeles, California, on this day in 1932. The first Penguin book was published on this day in 1935, starting the paperback revolution. On this day in 1938, General Metaxas named himself Premier of Greece. German occupiers forbid SDAP, VDB, ARP, RKSP, CHU and SGP in Netherlands on this day in 1941.OIn this day in 1942, FDR signed a bill creating Women's Navy Auxiliary Agency (WAVES). Members of WAVES were a part of the U.S. Navy. The German SS killed 25,000 Jews in Minsk, Belorussia, on this day in 1942. Hitler found out that Italy would soon be joining in the war effort against Nazi Germany on this ay in 1943. German occupiers set a night curfew on Jews in Netherlands on this day in 1942. The US 45th Infantry division occupied San Stefano on this day in 1943.There were heavy battles at Tessy-sur-Vire and Villebaudon Normandy, on this day in 1944. Also on this day in 1944, the US 30th Division reached the suburbs of St-Lo, Normandy. On this day in 1945, the USS Indianapolis was torpedoed and sunk within 15 minutes by a Japanese submarine. The ship had just delivered key components of the Hiroshima atomic bomb to the Pacific island of Tinian. Only 316 out of 1,196 men aboard survived the attack. It marked one of the greatest naval losses of World War II, resulting in the deaths of nearly 900 men. On this day in 1946, the first rocket to attain 100 miles (167 km) altitude, in White Sands, New Mexico. In 1949 on this day, the British warship HMS Amethyst escaped down Yangtze River, having been refused a safe passage by Chinese Communists after a tense 3-month standoff. On this day in 1954, the "King" Elvis Presley joined the Memphis Federation of Musicians, Local 71. On this day in 1960, the first ever AFL (American Football League, which would become the American Football Conference once the league merged with the NFL) was played between the Boston Patriots and the Buffalo Bills in a preseason game. The Patriots beat the Bills, 28-7. In 1963 on this day, British spy Kim Philby was found in Moscow. On this day in 1964, South Vietnamese forces fired on on Hon Ngu/Hon Mo, North Vietnam. On this day in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Social Security Act, which established Medicare and Medicaid, and which would become effective the following year. 


In 1966 on this day, the Beatles' "Yesterday... & Today," album went to #1 and stayed there for 5 weeks. Also on this day in 1966, England defeated West Germany 4-2 for soccer's 8th World Cup in London. For now, it still marks the one and only time that England won the world title. US airplanes bombed the demilitarized zone in Vietnam on this day in 1966. Race riots erupted in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on this day in 1967, killing four. The Beatles' Apple Boutique closed, and the entire inventory was given away on this day in 1968. On this day in 1969, Mariner 6 passed Venus on 3410 km (74 photos). George Harrison released "Bangladesh" on this day in 1971. A Japanese Boeing 727 collided with an F-86 fighter on this day in 1971, killing 162. The US Apollo 15 (Scott & Irwin) landed on Mare Imbrium on the Moon on this day in 1971. On this day in 1974, the House Judiciary Committee voted on the third & last charge of "high crimes & misdemeanors" to impeach President Nixon in the Watergate cover-up. On this day in 1975, Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa disappeared in suburban Detroit. On this day in 1976, Giulio Andreotti was sworn in as Premier of Italy. Vanuatu (formerly known as the New Hebrides) gained independence from Britain and France on this day in 1980. In 1981 on this day, the Belgian Senate accept laws against racism. The Alvenus tanker at Cameron La, spilled 2.8 million gallons of oil on this day in 1984. Also on this day in 1984, Holly Roffey (11 days old) became the youngest person ever to get a heart transplant. Discovery moves to Vandenberg Air Force Base for mating of STS 51-I mission on this day in 1985. On this day in 1987, Indian troops arrived in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, to disarm the Tamil Tigers and enforce a peace pact. Jordanian King Hussein renounced sovereignty over West Bank to the PLO on this day in 1988. King Hussein also dissolved Jordan's House of Representatives on this same day in 1988. Chile amended it's constitution, not long after the bloody days of the Pinochet dictatorship. on this day in 1989. On this day in 1990, soldiers loyal to Liberian President Samuel Doe opened fire on worshippers in Monrovian church, with an estimated 200-600 killed. The first Saturn automobile rolled off the assembly line on this day in 1990. On this day in 1997, there was a terrorist double suicide bombing in Jerusalem, killing 14. In 1997 on this day, eighteen lives are lost in the Thredbo Landslide in New South Wales, Australia. In 2002 on this day, the accounting law referred to as "The Sarbanes Oxley Act" was signed into law by President George W. Bush. In Mexico on this day in 2003, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolled off an assembly line. In 2009 on this day, a bomb exploded in Palma Nova, Mallorca, killing 2 police officers. A Basque separatist group ETA is believed to be responsible. A train fire killed 32 and injured 27 people in Andhra Pradesh, India, on this day in 2012. Finally, on this day in 2012, an Indian power grid failure left over 620 million people (a bit less than 10 percent of the world's population at the time) without power.


The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:





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