Sunday, July 14, 2024

The History Channel's Documentary on the French Revolution From 2005


Vue du siège et de la Prise de la Bastille, Musée Carnavalet (14 juillet 1789)

Okay, just one more video about the French Revolution.

This one is from The History Channel, and it originally came out in 2005. I have watched it a few times, although admittedly, it has been a few years. Yes, I am admitting to posting this particular video without actually having watched it in it's entirety, so I cannot actually say for sure if it cuts out and changes to smut or online betting or crypto currency commercials midway through.

However, I am trusting that this is the original documentary.

And it was good.

That said, I did not really love the commercial advertising for it at the time. Can't recall what else it said, but right at the end, it said, "It won't kill you to love the French for a couple of hours." As if it's somehow unbearable to deal or talk about anything French, or something. And coming from the History Channel (this was before that channel started to have a reputation for fixating on aliens), of all people, are the ones doing it, felt a little disappointing and beneath what they are trying to represent.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. 

This is a good documentary, and well worth sharing, as well.

So here it is, and on the perfect day for it, given that this is France's national holiday, honoring an event which is often seen as the start of the French Revolution (although there were some major events that had already happened before the storming of the Bastille).

In any case, this seemed like something that was worth posting.


The French Revolution (2005)

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