Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Are Colleges & Universities Truly Merely Grounds For "Liberal Indoctrination?"

Saw this post on Facebook recently, and it seemed worth sharing.

This was always how I felt about things, as well. Having gone to college, I never saw what was being taught as "indoctrination." Also, there were conservative students at each school which I took courses in. They often let their voices and opinions be heard.

Most people with college education are educated and can delve a bit deeper into issues than people who do not value education as much. Far from indoctrination, they just tend to look at the complete picture more frequently, instead of taking a brief glimpse at a part of the picture which confirms what we want to believe, and then sticking with that no matter what.

In fact, I feel that explains why people without a college education tend to view colleges as breeding grounds for indoctrination. Frankly, indoctrination tends to happen at younger ages, when people are more susceptible to being taught what to think. In the case of most of us, we tend already to gravitate towards certain leanings in our outlook by the time we reach our late teenage and early adulthood years, which is the age of most college students, although by no means all college students.

If anything, my own beliefs were not so much altered by attending college and being indoctrinated. Rather, as this post suggests, I learned better and more incisive methods of critical thinking. Being able to recognize historical trends and gimmicks which worked in the past, and then having greater ability to see through the lies and con artists in our own present time. That is why most of those with college educations don't, say, join a cult.

Anyway, this seemed worth sharing as soon as I saw it. 


Sherri Lynn Melton  ·  So True!! - Facebook post, July 15, 2024:

Taken from Kolleen@ littlewhitty

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