Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Jersey May Apparently Now Be a Battleground State

It apparently cannot be underestimated, just how badly Joe Biden performed in last week's debate, and how much it may have impacted or will impact the coming election. One way or the other, it sure seems like the fallout is not positive.

Living in New Jersey, it never occurred to me to view the Garden State as a possible battleground state. After all, NJ has gone Democratic blue in presidential elections dating all the way back to, I believe, the 1992 presidential election.

So how suddenly the most absurdly Republican of all Republican candidates since then is now apparently more or less tied with Biden here, and with a seeming chance at winning, seems absurd to me. 

Sometimes, it feels like everything just falls in place for Trump. Some might disagree, but I feel that Hillary Clinton was the worst possible candidate that the Democrats could have realistically picked to run against him in 2016. And while Joe Biden beat him in 2020, it was not so much excitement over who Biden was or what he stood for, as it was a vote against Trump. Now that Biden himself has been in power for four years, it seems the anti-Biden camp was particularly galvanized, and that Biden himself is now the worst possible candidate to run against Trump. I mean, there have long been concerns about Biden's age, and if he has the strength and energy to do the job. And I'm sorry, but that debate performance not only did nothing to quell such concerns, but it made Biden look and feel like a doddering old man who is not especially sharp or up for the job. Frankly, it looks and feels like a strong wind might be able to knock him down.

Also, it feels like the timing of some of these trials - I mean, they had four fucking years to actually get their shit together and put this man on trial, but they all seem to be happening now, on election year - gives the feel of lending credibility to the idea that they are politically motivated, and attempting to derail Trump's presidential campaign. Far from hurting Trump, it almost feels like the fact that he is now a convicted felon actually work in Trump's favor. 


And now, we are seeing the aftermath of something that truly does seem to have devastated one of the presidential campaigns, but it is not Trump's campaign that was hurt. New polls since the debate seem to confirm the worst fears of people who want, above all, to prevent Trump from being elected, as Trump's narrow lead over Biden has since apparently widened.

I don't know. Maybe some mainstream Democrats want to circle the wagon and stick with their guy. Not show panic. But the Democrats have done that numerous times before, most recently with Hilly Clinton against Trump. Look how well that went.

It seems clear enough to anybody with objectivity that there are legitimate concerns regarding Biden's health, and his ability to be president for another for years. Maybe it is time to really examine the situation and see if they cannot get someone else. Perhaps someone younger, and with a whole lot more energy. 

Yet, I am not sure even that would help. It would look like a panic move, and the Trump campaign surely would paint it as such, and probably pretty effectively. And keeping Biden in there just feels like asking for trouble. Really, it feels like the damage was already done.

For a long time, I have had a sinking feeling in my gut about this coming election. And it feels like all of this is coming true, like this was predestined, or something. I just don't know how it is that so many tens of millions of Americans cannot see through Trump, to see what a con artist, a fraud he is. But it feels like something else that I have very long suspected about the United States is also coming true: things will get worse, and possibly far worse, before they get better.

Unless the Democrats pull a rabbit out of their hat, it feels like a second Trump term in the Oval Office is an inevitability at this point. 

Donald Trump's Chances of Beating Joe Biden in New Jersey: Polls Published Jun 30, 2024 at 11:04 AM EDT Updated Jun 30, 2024:

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