Tuesday, February 28, 2023
New Jersey Received First Significant Snow Storm This Winter
Legendary Drummer Carmine Appice Claims That the Internet Has Been Toxic to Music Industry
Legendary drummer Carmine Appice, know for his work with Vanilla Fudge, Cactus, as well as Beck, Bogert and Appice, has stated that the landscape for popular music has changed, and not really for the better, at that.
It sure appears that he is right. Remember the days when artists refused to even consider selling their songs to commercials? Now, it seems to be one of the few ways left for musicians to make money and get their songs heard to a very wide audience.
And while the internet has clearly, obviously been very good in some ways, it also has been bad for other reasons. Appice feels that it has had a detrimental effect on music. Streaming, he suggests, has choked the life out of the music industry:
"The only way to make any money today is if you get a song on Netflix or you get a song in a movie."
Do you agree or disagree? Please feel free to share your thoughts here.
Below is the link to this article:
Iconic Drummer Carmine Appice Says 'There's No Money in Songwriting Anymore', Claims 'Streaming Destroyed the Music Business' "The only way to make any money today is if you get a song on Netflix or you get a song in a movie." The_Phoenician The_Phoenician [UG Writer], January 25, 2023:
Novak Djokovic Makes Still Yet More History With New Record For Most Time Spent As Number One
Last week, I mentioned how tennis expert Patrick McEnroe felt that Novak Djokovic still had some good years of tennis left in him, and might still add possibly four or five grand slam titles to his already impressive - even historic - trophy collection. That is an assessment which, frankly, I also agree with. It seems obvious to me that, barring some kind of injury or some such thing, Djokovic has a good chance of continuing to enjoy success at the very highest levels for at least another two to three years yet. No reason why he cannot do it, at least not that I can see.
Another huge milestone recently for Novak Djokovic. With the Australian Open win earlier this year, he returned back atop the men's rankings, where he has since stayed. And in just the past recent days, he past the old record held by Stefi Graf of 378 total weeks (not consecutive) atop the number one rankings. He already held the record for longest time spent atop the rankings for men. Now, nobody has ever held it for as long as he has. And it looks like he might hang onto it for a while yet.
Record Breaker: Djokovic Surpasses Graf With 378th Week At No. 1 Feb 27 2023 ATP Staff Serbian first rose to No. 1 in July 2011
Monday, February 27, 2023
Liam Neeson Believes That There Are Too Many Star Wars Spinoffs & That They Actually Detract From the Old Magic
When I was a kid, the Star Wars universe, such as it was, seemed barely larger than the original trilogy of movies. To me, they felt like magic. Such great stories and unprecedented special effects that made this universe come alive. I would not have been able to word it like this back then, but it really did combine something akin to the drama of Greek mythology with some of the best action out there, as well as offering a glimpse of very futuristic technology. When I got older, it seemed to me that this was brilliant, and probably nothing short of American mythology.
Following the release of "Return of the Jedi" in May of 1983, the final installment of the original trilogy of movies, all seemed quiet on the Star Wars front. The toys were still popular for a while, but soon enough were replaced by the next big thing in toys, particularly the Transformers, GI Joe, Voltron and other things. The rest of the decade remained quiet regarding Star Wars, and then most of the nineties, as well. It began to feel like Star Wars had run it's course with those original three movies.
Then things changed. There was a buzz about new Star Wars movies on the way. Surprisingly, these were going to be prequels to the original trilogy. Also, in 1997, the original trilogy movies were each rereleased in movie theaters. Only they were altered, not precisely the same movies. Things were added, and many Star Wars fans began to understand the meaning of the notion that "less is more." Yes, the technology had improved, but somehow, some of the magic of the original movies was taken away by these new additions, or what George Lucas (almost alone in feeling this way) insisted were improvements.
After that, there was enormous anticipation for "The Phantom Menace," which was to be the first new Star Wars movie in over a decade and a half. People were going wild. It was no exaggeration to suggest that this was the most eagerly anticipated movie in a very long time. Then the move finally, finally came out, and....
Well, it was not what people expected. The reliance on CGI seemed excessive. There were some scenes which were simply too long, and felt like they dragged on. There was a surprising amount of politics, to the point where I heard one critic once suggest that these scenes had all of the excitement of a C-SPAN broadcast covering a session of Congress. The main villain, who was actually probably the coolest thing to have come from the movie, was killed off before the end of the movie. And the worst of all was one of the major character: Jar Jar Binks. Frankly, I still believe that he is, most likely, the very worst major motion picture character in history.
Fans hoped that there would be improvements with the second prequel, but again, there was widespread disappointment. Most people, including myself, believed that the third installment, "Revenge of the Sith," would surely be the best of the prequel movies. So excited was I about it, that I read the book version before the movie ever came out. It was an excellent book, and my excitement grew! Then a friend of mine and I took in the midnight screening and....
Once again, it was not as good as I felt it should have been. Some of the best, most enticing aspects of the story in the book were taken out for the movie. It was not bad, and in fact, was far and away the best of the prequel movies. But many people felt that the prequels actually diminished the magic of Star Wars.
Fast forward ten years. Disney now had taken over the Star Wars franchise, and there were high hopes. JJ Abrams directed the newest movie, "The Force Awakens." And it was pretty good. Many felt that it restored the old Star Wars magic. To be sure, it was not exactly original. But it was a fun movie, and many grew excited for the rest of the trilogy.
Two years later, "The Last Jedi" came out. It proved to be easily the most divisive, polarizing Star Wars movie to date. Without going into details or spoilers, there were a lot of aspects of the movie which many fans were angry about. The older version of Luke Skywalker not only seemed not really heroic, but simply a cranky old man, hardly resembling the earlier versions of that characters whom we had come to expect. Director Rian Johnson had some good ideas, and I personally believe that some of his ideas were not bad at all, although one or two of them also were not particularly great. But by now, many were growing disillusioned with Star Wars.
And then came the final installment to end the Skywalker saga. This one was titled, "The Rise of Skywalker." Frankly, it was a hot mess. Somehow, the Emperor was back and stronger than ever. Critics pointed out correctly that this effectively negated the sacrifice by Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker at the end of "Return of the Jedi." It also felt to me like it lacked originality. Also, there seemed to be outright feuding between Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams, who directed this movie as well, which were enough for a surprised chuckle when first seen in the movie theaters, but which frankly did not belong in the movie. The movie tries to fit in way too much in too short of a time. It was the longest Star Wars movie to date, and yet somehow, it felt both too long and not long enough. Most people did not like it. Unfortunately, that includes me. It felt like it landed flat, and that it was an unfortunate and uninspired end to what should have been an immortal trilogy of historic movies.
It should be noted that there are two other Star Wars movies which were released, "Rogue One" was the first, and received considerable praise, understandably. Then came "Solo," which was not awful, but also was not extremely exciting, either. By Star Wars standards, it tanked in the theaters.
However, there was one interesting thing, or trend, that altered the "Star Wars universe." There were new series of shows which extended the universe, giving them new perspectives. The main three were "The Mandalorian," "The Book of Boba Fett," and "Kenobi." I have seen each episode (at least to date) for all three, and enjoyed them. Many felt that the magic of Star Wars now had been captured by these shows, rather than the movies, which regularly disappointed fans.
Not everyone is a believer, however. Liam Neeson, who of course played Qui-Gon Jinn in "The Phantom Menace," feels that there are already too many of these spinoffs, and that they are actually detracting from the old Star Wars magic. Frankly, while I do not believe that it has reached the point yet, I do believe that Neeson has a point. Star Wars is dangerously close to having too much of a good thing. For example, while I enjoyed "The Book of Boba Fett," it was easily the least intriguing and enjoyable of the three series that I saw. And with new ideas and possibilities for yet still more shows, it feels like Disney will soon overdo all of the Star Wars associated stuff.
The problem is that not everybody agrees with this. There are some diehard fans who cannot get enough Star Wars. They watch and then discuss every aspect of every episode for every series and movie, and perhaps books or comics or video games or whatever else, as well. Admittedly, I never read too many Star Wars books or comics, and do not remember ever having played a Star Wars video game before. Nor did I see "The Clone Wars," although it is loosely on my bucket list of things to watch.
I agree with Neeson. Surely, not everybody would agree.
What do you guys think? Agree, disagree? Why or why not? Please feel free to share your opinions here, by all means!
Liam Neeson Blasts “So Many” Star Wars Spinoffs: “It’s Taken Away the Mystery and the Magic” by Eddie Fu, February 17, 2023:
Disney's expansion strategy is "diluting" the franchise, according to Neeson
David Bowie Revealed a Decent Sense of Humor
Ran into this article about a side to David Bowie that perhaps most of us are not aware of, and thought it would be worth sharing here.
Apparently, Bowie had quite the sense of humor. Take a look and see for yourself.
New Audio of David Bowie Impersonating Iconic Singers Reminds Us How Funny He Was He does Bruce Springsteen, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits, Lou Reed, and more. By Matt MillerPUBLISHED: JAN 21, 2016
Yusuf / Cat Stevens Covers Acoustic Version of Iconic George Harrison Song
Not long ago, Yusuf, who was formerly known as Cat Stevens, honored the memory of a former Beatle by covering what very well may be his most iconic song. Yes, Yusuf covered George Harrison's "Here Comes the Sun."
Thought it would be worth sharing both the video, as well as a couple of links to articles to this story.
Yusuf / Cat Stevens Joins George Harrison’s Dark Horse Records, Covers ‘Here Comes the Sun’ 23 Jonathan Cohen Wed, February 22, 2023:
Yusuf/Cat Stevens Celebrates George Harrison’s 80th Birthday With ‘Here Comes the Sun’ Cover The storied singer-songwriter has also inked a new deal with the label Harrison founded, Dark Horse Records BY JON BLISTEIN FEBRUARY 22, 2023:
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Book Review: Fairy Tale by Stephen King
Stephen King has long been one of my favorite authors. So it should come as no surprise that I review yet another one of his books here.
When I first heard about this book, another King book, "The Eye of the Dragon," came to mind. And then I saw the artwork on the cover of the book, and it really, really reminded me of that earlier book. So I was expecting that the two books would have some strong similarities.
Now, yes, there are some similarities, and that goes beyond them having been penned by the same person. Indeed, they both have young male characters who, at least for a time, live in a fairy tale world, endure some hardships, and ultimately have to battle back to get what rightfully belongs to them.
However, this book felt considerably different than "Eyes of the Dragon" did, and right off the bat, too. Here's why: because it is about a pretty much normal American high school kid living in Illinois. He happens to befriend an old man with a secret. Namely, it is a sort of portal to another world. And this world is the fairy tale world.
Frankly, I actually rather enjoyed the part of the book before the fairy tale part of the book actually began. As mentioned earlier, King has long been one of my very favorite authors. And to me, his strong suit would be his character building. That means that I actually like, and sometimes even prefer, the parts of King books when others might claim that nothing is happening. A good chunk of the early part of this book is like that, as we follow Charlie Reade, who almost accidentally gets to know a Mr. Howard Bowditch, who holds the secret to gaining entry into a literal other world, as well as the gold which not only keeps him alive, but sustains him.
Eventually, though, Charlie does make it to that other world, which he realizes soon enough is a world that we would recognize as one of fairy tales. To be sure, this world is not exactly like what is conjured in the popular imagination when we think of fairy tales. Yet, there is undeniably a fairy tale world kind of element, or even magic, in this world.
This is my non-spoiler version of my review, so I will not get too much into the rest of this book. But suffice to say, I enjoyed it. Once again, King showcases his excellent writing abilities and character building while simultaneously showing off his incredible imagination. Indeed, you begin to believe you are right there along with Charlie during his visit to the world of fairy tales, which somehow King makes feel very real. For King fans, this world bears a strong resemblance to the world of the Dark Tower, as well, at least in certain instances.
One thing that I always also like about Stephen King books: they feel like a vacation from myself, and my own life. For the time when you are reading this book, it allows you to forget your own problems, and even the larger problems of this world. That is when reading is just fun, and you look forward to it. I listened to this on audio book, obtaining the cd's at my local library, since the hard copy of the book was taken, and I did not want to wait to obtain that copy, and then be given a few weeks to finish it. The audio book version I could evidently keep renewing, which is what I did. This was the first time that I read a King book first via audiobook. Was not sure it would feel the same, or that it would not detract from my reading experience. But you know what? I enjoyed it anyway, just as much as if I read the black and white pages of the hard copy of the book. In fact, it might have been even more enjoyable, because the narrator used voices and accents that breathed life into the characters, which really helped to make each of the characters come alive.
As mentioned earlier, this is my spoiler-free review of this book. Hopefully, I will get around to writing one that is more detailed, but which also contains spoilers. I will work to try and get one of those published in the not too distant future. For now, this will do.
This was a fun read, and comes highly recommended!
Sunday Funny: War-Weary Americans Not Sure How Much Longer They Can Occasionally Glance At Headlines About Ukraine
I am thinking about adding a new aspect to this blog. Lately, I began wanting to keep the weekends a bit lighter, as much for my own peace of mind as anything. At times, including this weekend, I made a point of deliberately adding some humorous posts. It was nice, and I think that perhaps it might be a good idea to make this a regular part of the blog.
Also, I was thinking about a friend who I found myself suddenly missing this weekend. His name was Ron Minion, and he was a great guy. Met him in 2003, when we became coworkers. He had a great sense of humor, and was always a joy to be around. He was one of the few people who read and critiqued my written work, sharing his thoughts on a short story that I wrote once when I accidentally left that story up on the computer that we, as supervisors, shared. It caught me by surprise, and so I did not react as well as probably I should have. In fact, his thoughts and advice were supportive, and he said that he enjoyed the story, but that it ended abruptly. Makes sense, since it was (and in fact remains) unfinished.
We stayed friends even after the job, seeing each other occasionally outside of the job. We became Facebook friends, and when my son and I took a trip out West, I thought about reaching out to Ron, who lived in Los Angeles at the time. Our trip was altered, and that meant that I had to sacrifice something. It ended up being Los Angeles (still have not been there yet), although we stayed one night in Bakersfield. I did not contact Ron, because as I understand it, Bakersfield is a bit far from Los Angeles. Yet when I got back, Ron sent me a message and said that I should have told him, because he would have been willing to make a special trip out there in order to see us.
I felt bad then. Felt even worse after hearing about his shockingly young death just a few years later. It really would have been great to see him one more time. He would have been great with my son, who was still a relatively young kid at the time. Surely, we would have shared some laughs, since we always seemed to be able to make one another laugh, and appreciated each other's humor.
Today, I found myself missing him, kind of out of nowhere. Still regret not having reached out during that Western trip, in the summer of 2016. That is my one big regret about a trip that, otherwise, was fantastic. At the time, I figured that he and I would have plenty of chances to catch up and laugh together again, as he often seemed to come back to New Jersey. But we never did catch up, and I never did see my friend again. Life sometimes works like that. So I came to regret not having made more of a point of reaching out to him that summer, to perhaps see him at least one last time.
However, I decided that maybe I can pay a little homage to him with this new element of this blog, the "Sunday Funny." As I recall, he used to post funny things on Facebook regularly, but especially on Sundays, when he would simply comment, "Sunday Funny."
So in honor and memory of Ron, that is what seemed the most fitting title for this new segment, which hopefully will last. Here is the first "Sunday Funny" for this blog.
War-Weary Americans Not Sure How Much Longer They Can Occasionally Glance At Headlines About Ukraine in The Onion, Published Friday 2/24/23:
Kim Thayil Shares Thoughts on What Soundgarden’s Rock Hall of Fame Nomination Means to Him

What Soundgarden’s Rock Hall Nomination Means to Kim Thayil What Soundgarden’s Rock Hall Nomination Means to Kim Thayil Martin Kielty Martin Kielty Published: February 24, 2023
Kim Thayil picks Soundgarden’s landmark guitar moments By Richard Bienstock published 1 day ago
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Today Would Have Been George Harrison's 80th Birthday
I try not only to acknowledge, but also to honor the birthdays of the Beatles, since they are all not only decent guys, but had such a profound impact on the world, both with their music, and with their passion outside of music. They not only were from the sixties, a time of turbulence, experimentation, and change, but they also helped to mold the sixties, to let it become what it became. It remain influential and provocative to this day.
Nigeria Holds Presidential Election Today
Democracy is quite often fragile in many countries. Even in the world's longest active democracy in the United States, it now feels under threat like never before.
But this is particularly true for much of the underdeveloped world, which of course includes Africa.
Today, Africa's largest nation, Nigeria, is holding a major election. These elections are regarded as the most open and transparent elections for Nigeria since that nation switched from military rule to a democracy back in 1999.
Current Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is finishing up his second term, and thus has reached the limits according to the Nigerian constitution. So a new leader is in the process of being elected into office in today's election.
Nigeria election 2023 live: Polls open in presidential vote by Kevin Doyle and Federica Marsi Published On 25 Feb 2023 25 Feb 2023 | Updated:
Pink Floyd's David Gilmour Apparently Believes That The Beatles Are the Greatest Band Ever
Onion Article: Man Has To Admit Air Fryer That Burned Down House Did Pretty Good Job On Tater Tots
Here is yet another Onion article which made me laugh. Just looking at the title makes me shake my head and chuckle.
That said, it also made me a bit nervous, since my son seems to have one of these, and uses it fairly regularly.
In any case, enjoy!
Man Has To Admit Air Fryer That Burned Down House Did Pretty Good Job On Tater Tots Published February 24, 2023:
Onion Article: 6-Year-Old Didn’t Cause Parents’ Divorce But Didn’t Exactly Step Up To Prevent It Either
Things have felt kind of grim lately, have they not? The news is rarely very good. The war in Ukraine continues. Turkey ad Syria saw an earthquake that took the lives of over 40,000 people, and reduced hundreds of buildings to rubble. Donald Trump is still not behind bars, and seems to have typically gotten away with figurative attempted murder, in his case of American democracy. Much of North America is dealing serious winter storms, although the southeast of the United States was feeling unseasonably warm weather, with temperature more typical of the summer. Strange weather never seems like a good sign to me, given what we know about climate change.
So yeah, things are not so great.
That said, it is Saturday, and we are right at the end of February. For us in the northern hemisphere, that means that the winter is nearly done, and springtime is right around the corner. That should be nice. And in the spirit of positivity, it felt like a good idea to share some humor.
Here is a link to an Onion article who's title just made me laugh.
6-Year-Old Didn’t Cause Parents’ Divorce But Didn’t Exactly Step Up To Prevent It Either Published September 27, 2022:
Friday, February 24, 2023
Patrick McEnroe Believes That Novak Djokovic Can Still Dominate Men's Tennis For a Few Years Yet
Ran into this article earlier this evening, and thought it would be worth sharing here.
Former tennis player Patrick McEnroe, who has become one of the most respected broadcast voices for the sport since, clearly is impressed with Djokovic. Shortly after Djokovic won the Australian Open, in fact, McEnroe let it be known that he felt that Djokovic can still win a number of Grand Slams.
“I think he can win four or five more,” McEnroe told CNN’s Amanda Davies. “It looks like he’s as healthy as ever.
He added:
“He’s the favorite at three out of four [grand slams] for the next, I’d say probably two years.”
McEnroe says “all is now right again in the men’s tennis world” after Djokovic returned to the world No. 1 spot for a record-extending 374th week.
Novak Djokovic could win another ‘four or five’ grand slam titles, says former tennis star Patrick McEnroe By Ben Church and Amanda Davies, CNN Published 10:19 AM EST, Tue January 31, 2023:
Movie Review: James Toback's "Tyson"
Originally, I saw this movie maybe a year or two after it was originally released, if even that. In fact, it might still have been new, and even possibly in the movie theaters. See, there was a guy at my weekend job back then who seemed to know how to find some really good quality bootleg movies, and this was one of them. He had a very good collection of high quality movie bootlegs, and brought them in. Sometimes, we watched them together. At other times, I borrowed them. This was one of those which I borrowed and watched.
This movie, directed by American filmmaker James Toback, documents Tyson's life, from early childhood struggles, his meteoric rise to the top of the boxing world and his incredible celebrity status, and then through the few defeats that he would ever suffer in the ring, his trial and years in jail, his conversion to Islam, his return to the ring and to the championship again, and then to his decline. It ends with his life just after retiring from boxing, when he finally seemed to find happiness with his kids, with family. In short, it humanizes the man. And it does so brilliantly, at that.
Prior to watching the movie, my impression of Mike Tyson was probably mostly negative. In the early years of his career, Tyson seemed almost untouchable. Nobody in the history of pro boxing had ever seemed so powerful or dominant. It seemed like nobody could stand up to him, and few indeed could even last a few rounds against him. It's almost impossible for people these days to imagine such a sports figure as Tyson was back in those days. He was a young champion, but he had unified the belts, and was thus the "undefeated, undisputed heavyweight champion of the world." He destroyed Trevor Berbick to become the youngest heavyweight champion in history. He dispatched with some top contenders, and did so seemingly with ease. Carl "The Truth" Williams did not last one round against Tyson. Neither did Michael Spinks, in one of the most eagerly anticipated boxing matches that I can ever remember. Longtime champion Larry Holmes lasted four rounds before being knocked out cold, for the first time in his career, in the fourth round.
Just how dominant was Tyson? After Tyson easily and quickly dispatched with Spinks, it seemed like there was no one left to even challenge Tyson's supremacy in the ring. There were commentators who wondered if maybe Hulk Hogan, the WWF Heavyweight Championship, might be called in. A comedian joked about the guy who would finally knock Tyson out, and said that he would likely have to serve as an anchor on one of those big, heavy Navy ships. Few believed that Tyson would lose anytime soon. Hell, few believed that anybody could even last more than a few rounds against Tyson, and the idea that somebody could seriously challenge him seemed like a pipe dream.
Ironically, I remember first fully appreciating just how dominant Tyson was after watching the fight against James "Buster" Douglas, who was the first to hand Tyson a defeat in his professional career. It remains the biggest upset in boxing history to this day. Douglas fought a brilliant fight. It was the shining point in his career. Yet Tyson showed courage and incredible toughness, even in the very match when his weaknesses were exposed. To be sure, Tyson admits to not taking Douglas seriously, and of essentially believing the hype. By that point, he was so intimidating that most of his opponents lost the match psychologically before ever stepping in the ring. He expected Douglas to do the same, but that never happened. Yet for round after round, Tyson showed fearlessness in pursuing Douglas, walking right through some of the best punch combinations that Douglas had, and looking no worse for the wear. Only after 10 rounds of this did Tyson fall. And yet, he very nearly won with a devastating upper cut that floored Douglas.
After that, it seemed that all began to unravel for Tyson. He was convicted of rape, although I remember my mother, of all people, expressing serious doubts that this was really what had actually happened on that night. Still, Tyson was convicted, and his boxing career was put on hold. I had been sure that he would simply quickly with the title again in a rematch against Douglas, or perhaps beating Holyfield. But instead, he spent years locked up behind bars.
When he came back, he won the title and began to look almost as dominant and untouchable as he once had. And then, he lost to Evander Holyfield. I was shocked, yet delighted. There was a rematch, and that resulted in the infamous biting incident. At the time, everyone seemed to feel that Tyson was literally crazy. Ditto with the weird lead-up to the fight with Lennox Lewis, when he infamously threatened to eat his children before saying "Praise be to Allah!, as well as another biting incident with Lewis that almost ended that fight before it actually happened.
This movie takes you inside Tyson's head through it all, as well as the final match, when Tyson lost to a much weaker caliber opponent in Kevin McBride. It is a truly fascinating look at one of sports most bizarre and strangely intriguing figures.
After watching this movie the first time, I began to watch (and appreciate) old Tyson fights, and even read a book on the Tyson-Douglas fight, which I am now seriously thinking of picking up and reading again.
As for this film, I highly recommend it!
One Year Anniversary of Putin Leading Russia To An Invasion of Ukraine
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Voivod Will Release Album With Re-Imagined Versions Songs From Band's Past For 40th Anniversary

VOIVOD To Release Album Of Re-Recorded Versions Of Early Songs To Celebrate 40th Anniversary February 21, 2023
Rolling Stones Recruited Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr For a Song on Upcoming Stones Album

Now, here's some interesting news. The Rolling Stones have apparently recruited the two surviving members of the Fab Four, and recorded a song for the new Stones album. Indeed, the Rolling Stones (sans the late Charlie Watts, sadly) will have one song featuring both Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. So the new Stones album will feature the Beatles, in a way.
Interesting. And such an odd thought, considering that it is 2023, no?
Below are two links to articles about this interesting story. Take a look:
The Beatles’ Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr Will Reportedly Appear on The Rolling Stones’ New Album The Beatles Admin 2 22/02/2023
Rolling Stones Recorded a New Song With Paul McCartney by Jon Blistein, February 22, 2023:
The Beatle played bass on one of the band's new songs, a source with knowledge of the sessions said
Book Review: Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
This book was one I chanced on during a library visit really late last year. And so I decided that it would be one of the books to read in the new year.
And now, here I am reviewing it.
So, it's hard to describe the story itself without really giving some things away. Yes, believe it or not, much of the book is revealed to you along the way, slowly but surely. And characters whom you thought you knew or understood do things that surprise you. And the situation itself becomes something that you do not necessarily expect it.
Okay, none of that probably is making much sense. But the thing is, this book revolves around a most unlikely, and largely accidental hostage situation during an apartment viewing in a relatively small town. Indeed, the book is specifically about the people involved in the hostage situation, with perhaps one exception for a psychologist who has sessions with one of the people involved. Also, there is a view of a bridge from the apartment building which, as it turns out, plays a prominent role for several of the characters in the book.
There, that should clear it up. Now, you can proceed with reading the book, knowing full well what to expect, right?
No, but seriously, it really is the kind of book that requires you to actually read it to understand what is going on. Because the story seems to initially be about a desperate parent who robs a bank simply to be able to pay the rent in order to not risk losing the children. But the bank robbery goes terribly wrong, and the bank robber, in a blind panic, runs across the street before the police actually arrive, and that is when the apartment viewing becomes a hostage situation.
Yet, even this is not exactly what it seems. In fact, it is not really at all what this story is about because, again, this is about the characters which populate the book. At times amusing, at other times touching and sad, nd always warm and friendly. I have read (and believe I have reviewed) books by Fredrik Backman before. I especially loved Bear Town, which was a really great and fun read. Since then, I have more or less regularly kept up with Backman books.
If you are a Backman fan, or if you simply like to read stories that go into the back stories of the major characters and show how they navigate their way through the often unpredictable currents of this life -or rather, how it seems that they are just barely keeping their head above the water - then this book comes highly recommended.
A fun read!
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Tensions Between West & Russia Spike on Ukraine After Putin Suspends START Nuclear Pact
Tensions are mounting between Russia and the West once again. Russia's Putin announced that he was suspending the START nuclear pact, which is the last remaining active treaty between Russia and the United States. While he said that he is not fully withdrawing from the pact, and that Russia would continue to honor the terms of the deal. He also stated that he would continue exchanging information regarding test launches with the United States, which were part of the terms of earlier agreements.
However, it seems clear that this was a shot at the United States in particular, and the West more generally. Putin has made it abundantly clear that he views Western involvement in Ukraine as unwelcome intervention. While much of the world, obviously including the West, views the war in Ukraine as an act of Russian aggression, Putin himself argues that, in fact, it is the West who are the aggressors, and Russians are simply trying to liberate Ukraine from the tyranny of a regime in Kyiv which, he argues, is manipulated and controlled by the West:
“We aren’t fighting the Ukrainian people,” Putin said ahead of the war’s first anniversary Friday. “The Ukrainian people have become hostages of the Kyiv regime and its Western masters, which have effectively occupied the country.”
Putin added:
“It’s they who have started the war. And we are using force to end it,” he said before an audience of lawmakers, officials and soldiers, and broadcast on all state TV channels.
It is no secret that the war has not been going well for Russia, and that this seemed to make Putin's previously unquestioned and unchallenged leadership status in Russia look suddenly more vulnerable. He dipped down to 77 percent approval ratings in September, and there was some speculation among Western media that Putin's days as Russia's leader might be numbered. However, there has been a bounce back for him, as Putin's latest official approval ratings in Russia dating back to last month remained quite high, at 82 percent.
Also, many in the West seemed to believe that Putin might soon need to announce a withdrawal of his forces from Ukraine. However, if we take Putin's talk on face level, it seems that he is as resolved as ever to see it through. That means that an end to the war does not appear to be anywhere in the foreseeable future.
Here is a summary of some of the fluctuations in Putin's popularity over the years, according to Statista Research Department (see link below):
What has shifted Putin’s approval rating? Since his first presidential term started in 2000, Vladimir Putin's highest approval rating was measured at 88 percent, when he was the country's prime minister. In 2008, as a result of the war with Georgia, Russia recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In 2014, Russia annexed the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, viewing it as a historic reunification. Despite Western sanctions that were imposed on the country in response the violation of territorial integrity of Ukraine, the approval rating remained high over the following years. In February and March 2019, among the reasons behind the decline in approval were a pension reform and a retirement age hike. What awaits Russia after 2024? During his state of-the-nation speech in January 2020, Vladimir Putin suggested amendments to the Russian Constitution, some of which are aimed at restructuring the executive power within the country’s administration. Regarding the amendments, 47 percent of Russians believed that they were designed to prepare the political system for the period after 2024, allowing Putin to stay in power in a role different from a president. In March 2020, an amendment was proposed to the Constitution to reset the previous presidential terms of Putin, allowing him to stay as a president until 2036. The amendments were approved in an all-Russian voting with nearly 78 percent of Russians supporting them.
Putin raises tension on Ukraine, suspends START nuclear pact by The Associated Press, February 21, 2023:
Vladimir Putin's approval rating in Russia monthly 1999-2023 Published by Statista Research Department, Feb 2, 2023: