Sunday, April 14, 2019

Alabama Representative Mo Brooks Compares Democrats & the Media to Adolf Hitler

It seems almost amusing to me that Trump supporters feel that those people, like me, who rang alarm bells as soon as this man got close to being elected, and who never trusted or liked him, were somehow close-minded.

The fact of the matter is that Trump has been the very face of American excess and greed and selfishness and narcissism and overall decadence for a long, long time. I remember feeling that way about him as a kid back in the eighties. There was just something about him that exuded all of those horrible "qualities," and it felt puzzling why so many people seemed to like him. Still, at the time, most people seemed to have common sense enough to know that he was bad news, and besides, he was just a transparently greedy New York businessman, and not all powerful, so it was easy to shrug that away.

However, when he got closer to very real political power, that was when many people who had long suspected that there was the serious decline and malaise in the country along the lines of what President Carter had warned about decades ago began to be an inescapable reality, something that we could no longer ignore. By then, the level of hypocrisy and blatant arrogance was just to glaringly obvious, and enough people could see it - hell, they could hardly not see it any longer - that finally, a long overdue movement to resist this extreme decadence and clearest indicator yet of a major American decline finally formed.

Of course, Trump supporters and so-called conservatives claimed that this was extreme bias and typical liberal media arrogance. But the fact of the matter is that the man that they support is, frankly, a piece of human garbage. Evangelical Christians too quickly and conveniently overlooked a lifetime of blind pursuit of lusts and sins, and claimed that he was a good Christian, when he actually showed that he was anything but. Working class people felt that he understood them and would fight to protect them, even thought they too quickly overlooked a lifetime of crushing anyone that he could in order to attain more privilege and luxury for himself. And many who had viewed him with some skepticism leading up to the 2016 election suddenly turned around and could see no fault in this very flawed man as soon as he became the official Republican nominee and, eventually, the elected President.

But Trump continues to be worse than worthless for the country, despite himself being a rich man. He is draining the wealth out of the country with misguided policies, from his tax cut for the wealthy, to his  adding trillions to the national debt by borrowing more (even though he said he would pay the national debt in eight years), to the ridiculous trade wars that he apparently cannot stop himself from starting, even with allies.

This is a man who is notoriously untrustworthy, to the point that even his political allies and supporters admit that he plays loosely with the truth. He represents blatant greed and corruption, is the very essence of a megalomaniac who literally can never admit to being wrong even once, and who simply betrays the very worst that the country represents around the world.

Yet, his supporters really seem to wonder why people who view him with skepticism simply cannot give him a chance? Really?

This is a time of extremes. And Trump supporters tend to gravitate towards a pathetic extreme, one that, frankly, does not take much effort to see through. All you need is a little bit - and I mean a little bit - of common sense and objectivity in order to be able to see through this known con artist. Really, it does not take much more than that, yet tens of millions of Americans simply are apparently incapable of doing that much.

Then, they wonder why the rest of the world is increasingly laughing at the political circus in the United States, and shaking their heads at what is going on?

As an example of this sad extremism that sure looks and sounds like someone completely intolerant of anyone who is not lock and step with this pathetic excuse for a "leader" currently occupying the White House, here is an article which discusses how Mo Brooks, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Alabama (are you surprised?) recently compared the media and Democrats with, of all people, Adolf Hitler.

Seriously, you cannot make this stuff up!

And the country sadly falls farther in decline. It is not just Trump, although he is the clearest sign yet that the country has seen better days, and much, much better quality leaders, once upon a time.

Apparently, those days are long over.

Mo Brooks Identifies Democrats, Media With Hitler By Ed Kilgore, March 25, 2019:

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