Sunday, April 7, 2019

Artist Almost Rivals False Sense of Entitlement as Donald Trump Himself

There is one man, a pro-Trump artist who made an image of his beloved leader that was done almost in the style of artists in North Korea making images of their own fearless leader. The artist is Julian Raven, and he has a name for his 16-foot wide by 8-foot tall painting of Trump: “Unafraid & Unashamed.”


It shows a likeness of Trump himself, although it is a highly idealized version of Trump, and there are bright and colorful images of traditional patriotic icons. A bald eagle, the same creature that clearly took an instant (and understandable) dislike of Trump during the campaign. An American flag, of course. And, an image of the globe, but with America at it's center. Of course. And with the sun shining brightly on this land of Trump. Of course.

This is hardly a beautiful work of art.

Yet, the artist apparently feels that he was slighted, because the Smithsonian is not putting up this obviously pro-Trump work. 

So, naturally, he is suing the Smithsonian. This, from a Republican party that went to lengths traditionally to deride petty, frivolous lawsuits.

It brings new, and dark, meaning to the words, "Only in America." 

Please take a look at the below article. Ask yourself, what this country is becoming, when these are the people that are constantly winning the day politically:

MAGA Artist Sues The Smithsonian For Not Putting Up His Pro-Trump Painting by JakeThomas Mar 12, 2019:


  1. For some reason, when I clicked on the link it only showed that nauseating photograph of him with the flag. I was able to track down Julian Raven's magnum opus on Google however, and I think Trump's supporters and detractors alike can agree on the following: it's really something.
    Personally, where Trump's image is concerned, I would lean more towards the toilet paper with his face on it. There's actually an embarrassment of riches there: Trump grinning, Trump smirking, or my personal favorite, Trump with his mouth wide open. They're only available online or, I'm guessing, in novelty shops here and there. You probably won't find them at Walgreens or ShopRite.
    Anyway, getting back to our buddy Julian, his filing a lawsuit against the Smithsonian really hammers home what we already knew: these people truly do live in a fucking dream world.

  2. Not sure what happened with the link. Will have to check on it this weekend, when I have more time.
