Saturday, April 13, 2019

Star Wars Episode 9 Trailer Released & Name Revealed: The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars Logo

Picture courtesy of Global Panorama's Flickr Page - Star Wars Logo:

It felt like an unusually long wait before there was anything in the way of small clues, or even leaks, to the new Star Wars movie to be released later this year, right around the holiday season.

But yesterday, the new trailer was released, as well as the new film's title. It will be called "The Rise of Skywalker."

The title kind of threw me off, because usually, the links to previous movies is both a bit more direct, and not quite so direct at the same time, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, there were some Easter eggs, or nuggets, or whatever you want to refer to them as, for fans. First of all, much like the original Star Wars movie trilogy, particularly the first and third installment, both have prominent parts of the movies which take place in the desert. That was also true in the first and second installments of the prequel trilogy. Much of the first installment of the new trilogy also took place in the desert and now, with this particular trailer, we see once again that at least a significant part of this movie will also be in the desert.

There are other things, as well. The narration was done in the voice of Luke Sywalker, although he died in The Last Jedi. Presumably, he is back in this movie as a kind of ghost, also in the mode of the presence of Obi Wan Kenobi, as well as Yoda and Anakin Skywalker, in the original trilogy.

Plus, Leia is in this one, despite the death of actress Carrie Fisher. How long is she in this movie, how prominent is her role? Impossible to really say with any degree of accuracy based on the trailer, although she definitely is in it, at least a little bit.

Finally, we see the emergency of another original trilogy character: Lando Calrissean. We long suspected that this was coming, but it seemed to drag on and on. He made no appearances in either of the first two movies in the new trilogy, but he finally is shown in the trailer for this one. Like Leia, there is no way to really tell how prominent his role is, or is not.

And here is a surprise that many are understandably talking about: at the very end of the trailer, we hear the distinctive laughter of Emperor Palpatine. We were led to believe that he had died in "Return of the Jedi," of course. But this makes us wonder, no? Did he survive and, if so, how? Also, how would he still be alive? How does that work, exactly? Would he not be positively ancient? Or is this perhaps another force ghost, like Obi Wan Kenobi?

Some really interesting stuff, and this builds up anticipation for the release of this movie, which will be the final installment of the nine-movie saga of the Skywalker family, which has now spanned through five different decades, and was on the verge of reaching a sixth.

Take a look at the new trailer below:

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