Friday, April 12, 2019

Jordan Peterson Discusses the Nature of Pain & Suffering

Earlier today, I posted a blog entry about a strange condition which allowed one woman to go throughout her life without feeling much physical pain, or even anxiety. She even went through childbirth without feeling too much pain.

Some scientists believe that this can lead to medication that could potentially lead to groundbreaking medicine to help people minimize their pain, which certainly sounds good, at least at first glance, right? I mean, who wants to experience serious pain? I have seen people close to me experiencing tremendous physical pain, and almost all of us have gone through emotional trauma and/or serious anxieties at some point or other in our own lives. Indeed, pain is something that most of us get familiar with at some point or other in our lives, and we come to fear it, to dread it.

Yet, some feel that pain is a learning experience. That it can teach us. And really, who can deny that? Indeed, pain humbles us. When we are feeling some serious pain, whether physical or emotional, we observe the seemingly normal, everyday activities that everyone else is mindlessly, instinctively experiencing through a very different lens. Often times, we fall right back into these same routines if and when we recover, but not always. It also often allows us to identify, and hopefully empathize, with others when we see them going through similar pain. 

It seemed to me that this is something worth thinking about, worth exploring. And so, I thought sharing another link - this one from a philosophical point of view - would be apropos today.

Here is a piece by Jordan Peterson, who explore pain and suffering, which is obviously a very common experience (and teacher) for human beings. 


Life is hard: Jordan Peterson and the nature of suffering by Derek Beres, 27 March, 2019:

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