Thursday, April 4, 2019

Trump Continues Absurd Excuse for a Presidency With "Oranges" & Crazy Conspiracy Theory Regarding Wind Turbines

Earlier today, I posted something about how former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg claimed that the Brexit was the stupidest decision that any country had ever made, and I countered that it was not even the stupidest decision that a country made in 2016.

After all, that was the year that the United States voted Donald Trump into the White House.

The results have spoken for themselves ever since. While Trump supporters remain willfully blind to the obvious disaster that Trump has been for the country, most of the rest of us, and indeed, the rest of the world, easily recognizes just how ridiculous a decision that was.

Not long ago, I remember one Trump supporter complaining about how other people dismiss Trump supporters as "stupid."

The thing is, while I would not necessarily dismiss all Trump supporters as stupid, it seems to me that the overlying tendency seems to be a clear acceptance of stupidity from the "very stable genius" whom they felt would make a brilliant president.

It is not a surprise that everyone's taxes seem to have gone up this year, given that Trump forced the massive tax cut to benefit big corporations and the wealthiest Americans (himself included, of course). The United States has received worldwide condemnation for decisions made by Trump, from pulling out of the TPP, to pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, to pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, to having several European heads of state announce just hours after meeting with Trump that they no longer felt that the United States was a trustworthy partner.

Also, the United States is now viewed as an example of a place where white supremacists are coming out in full force, and where institutional racism clearly still exists. Trump himself has received worldwide condemnation for some of his blatantly racist claims and statements, including, but not necessarily limited to, his seeming reluctance to specifically criticize outright Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, and other white supremacist groups for inciting violence, as well as claiming that numerous African and Central American countries, as well as Haiti, were "shithole nations." Plus, that whole classifying Mexicans in the United States as criminal and rapists, and wanting to set up a national registry of Muslims, have many understandably feeling that this is a racist man, and a racist administration pushing, as much as they can, for racist laws and policies. 

Apart from all of that, of course, Trump has disgusted many with his attacks on democratic institutions. Any criticism of him is automatically labelled and dismissed as "fake news," and he has repeatedly referred to the media as the "enemy of the people," something that tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all did, as well. He has toyed with the idea of the United States having a "president for life," and he always seems eager to claim that he has way more power than what has traditionally been understood for a president.

Then, of course, there are the absurdities. This man is a petulant child, who lacks any clear understanding of anything other than the extremely pampered life that he has always known. He takes to his ridiculous and mean-spirited tweets anytime that he feels slighted, or is the least bit displeased about something. And given that he plays the part of the victim - this from the man who claims anyone who does not like him is a delicate snowflake - this means that we have to hear about his damn tweets way too often. Even his strong supporters are not huge fans of his tweeting, yet he continues to do it on an everyday basis. He lies through his teeth, demonstrably. He lies so much, in fact, that it hardly even makes news when he is caught lying.

Finally, of course, there are the absurdities. The ridiculous and incoherent mumblings that make no sense, and the made-up words (Covfefe) and crazy conspiracy theories. Recently, he offered us some more in this regard, claiming that he wanted to explore the "oranges" of the Mueller report (it is believed that he meant "origins," although who can say for sure?). And he also spoke about how the noise from wind turbines cause cancer. Once again, as with so many of his ridiculous claims, he offered not one shred of proof. 

Trump is unhinged, saying the most absurd things. This is a very dark chapter in the history of the United States, and yes, this goes far beyond the stupidity of Brexit, which was still nevertheless a disaster. Who can be surprised that Trump himself favored Brexit?

So, if Trump supporters take exception to being dismissed as stupid or racist, then they simply have to begin to hold their president to task for the absurd things that he says and does, and not always make excuses for him. Trump is a disgrace, and there is no way to sugarcoat that. There is no nice way to describe the traitors, frankly, who try to convince everyone that all of this is not only perfectly normal, but brilliant leadership. What they like is that he pisses off liberals. But until he shows that he can actually do something more than that, something positive for the country without a selfish, narcissistic and elitist bent to it, then he will continue to be regarded exclusively as a disaster for this country, and this supporters will deservedly bear the brunt of the scorn and blame for providing him with their unconditional support.

Again, what dark times for this country!

Trump claimed wind turbines cause cancer, reigniting a long-running hate campaign against wind power with a weird conspiracy theory Tom Porter, April 3, 2019:

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