Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Trump Caught Lying About His Father's Birthplace

It really is incredible how smoothly the lies come out of Trump's mouth. He makes it look effortless to make these ridiculous claims, even when they are easily proven false.

Recently, he claimed that his father had been 'born in a very wonderful place in Germany.' That is all well and good, except that it is simply not true. His father was actually born in New York City.

This was not an April Fool's prank, as it came the day after April Fools. 

So, what is the point of him making such a claim? What is going through his head as he tells these clear lies and, perhaps more importantly, what is going on in the head of his supporters, when he gets caught telling so many damn lies?

That is one thing about this man, and about these ridiculous times (politically) that we are living in, which I will simply never understand.

Note, I am not ranting about political differences that I have with Trump here (although there are plenty), but just in general, it amazes and stuns me that people keep taking this guy seriously when he makes such a mockery of the truth, and then turns around and claims that everyone else is lying.

Almost like a cult. And nobody can deny he has a following. Sometimes, his following feels like a cult. And no matter what whoppers his lying mouth tells them, they always seem ready to drink the Kool Aid. 

Trump says his father was 'born in a very wonderful place in Germany' — but Fred Trump was actually born in New York City by John Haltiwanger, April 2, 2019:

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