Sunday, April 7, 2019

Trump Returns to Labeling the Press as "Enemy of the People"

Donald Trump obviously has his supporters, many of whom are not only fans, but rabidly support the man, and almost seem to feel that he walks on water, and can do no wrong. They believe this known con artist and established pathological liar simply because he defines any and all criticism of himself, and his conduct in office - not to mention the policies of his administration - as "fake news."

But most people are not fans of Donald Trump and, in fact, I have never before seen such staunch opposition to a president in my own lifetime. That part, at least, is refreshing, and is the silver lining to the dark clouds of these mediocre times in American political history.

Even some of Trump's own supporters seem luke-warm in their support and/or defense of this man.

Part of the reason for that is because Trump keeps doing things that, frankly, make far too many people uncomfortable. Things like referring to Haiti and dozens of countries in Africa and Central America as "shithole nations." Things like seeming to flirt with white supremacists and their agenda, not being outright about it, but also not putting any particularly great effort to exactly hide it, either. Things like denying climate change and claiming that wind turbines cause cancer, all without offering a shred of proof. Things like threatening to wipe entire nations off the map, and then having the gall to orchestrate another world leader - Japan's Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, to promote him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Indeed, all of these things make even most members of the Republican party very uncomfortable. 

Yet, there is one thing that Trump does which seems to make even Republican lawmakers, and most Republican supporters, cringe. And it has everything to do with something that I mentioned earlier, which is when he labels any dissent as "fake news." He goes further than that, and quite often. In particular, most people, including Republicans, really hate it when he refers to the press as the "enemy of the people."

Why does it make them cringe like this? 

Well, because it is a phrase used by some of the most masochist and brutal tyrans in history. It was a phrase used by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, among others. It is one of the few areas where even many Republican lawmakers and supporters simply wish that President Trump would cut it out.

However, Trump has shown himself to be particular tone deaf to any criticism, whether constructive or not. And while these Republicans are actually trying to help Trump, and make him seem a bit more "normal," and to try and diffuse the constant comparisons to this man as a dictator and tyrant, Trump nevertheless simply keeps going with his ridiculous labels, the most infamous of them being referring to the press as the "enemy of the people."

Here was Trump with one of his infamous tweets yet again two days ago, using that absurd phrase to try and discredit the media:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump  The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They can’t stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! 1:41 PM - Apr 5, 2019  

This is the kind of things that most Republicans - particularly his lukewarm supporters, really do not like about him, and what his detractors (myself included) absolutely loathe about this man.

Yet, it will not stop, because his loyal base loves it, and feels that he is riling all of the "libtards" up. Apparently, that is what they equate with "winning." They are not known for having particularly long attention spans, and so Trump constantly repeats certain themes that play well with them, with no sense of embarrassment whatsoever. He is like a broken record, saying the same idiotic things, over and over again. We all get tired of hearing the same things like that, unless you are a Trump supporter, in which case, you clearly love this man saying the same stupid things, over and over. It is just yet another indicator of where this country is at presently that we have to see and hear this man every time that we turn on the news these days.

Meanwhile, as I have said before, the world is watching, and history will not judge this man, or these times in the United States, kindly.

Trump ramps up rhetoric on media, calls press 'the enemy of the people' BY BRETT SAMUELS - 04/05/19:

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