Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Zen Master Has Suggestions on How to Deal With Trump

This may sound like a joke, but I assure you that it is not.

Indeed, this time of Donald Trump - a known liar, manipulator, and xenophobic, polarizing figure in modern American politics - requires us to take a step back every now and then, if even just for our own mental and physical well-being. 

So to that end, noted Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh gave some advice early into the Trump presidency, to help allow people to achieve some balance, even while the United States itself seems to completely lack any balance, politically and often, culturally, as well.

Take a look, because it might even do you good, personally! I have not actually tried to implement a Buddhist approach myself yet, having largely failed in previous attempts to focus on meditation when I was regularly trying it well over a decade ago. But it might be worth considering at least making an attempt again, given the increased level of stress that our world seems insistent on bringing to us, especially in this day and age. 

A Zen Master’s Advice On Coping With Trump It involves a lot more than meditating. by Jo Confino

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