Thursday, August 11, 2022

Donald Trump Reverses Own Past Claims to Plead 5th

Glenn Kirschner's take on the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence was interesting. So it seemed worth sharing here. 

Of course, Trump whined as usual, this time after his home was raided by the FBI. He has described it as basically unprecedented, since no other president has ever had to endure such a thing. And this is true. But then again, no other president ever tried to stop the mechanisms of our American democracy - a democracy that he swore to uphold and defend - and tried to force his armed followers to storm the Capitol building in Washington and intimidate lawmakers into making sure that Trump stayed in the Oval Office, despite having lost the 2020 election. 

Remember years ago, when Trump claimed that only mobsters plead the fifth? Well, he was forced to eat those words and himself plead the fifth during a deposition yesterday before the New York State Attorney General Tish James. 

Well, that is within his rights to do so. After all, it is a defense against self-incrimination. That much I knew, as do most Americans. However, what I did not know is that this might not help him, but hurt him. This is not a criminal trial, but a civil case. And hiding things gives the appearance of having done something suspicious and in need of hiding. 

Let's see what happens. 

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