Friday, August 12, 2022

Rick Wilson Nails Trump-Style Assessment of FBI Mar-a-Lago Search

Now let me say one thing right off the bat: I was not a fan of Hillary Clinton, and was disgusted by her conduct in the 2016 presidential race. I have gotten into this in the past, and will refrain from getting into it more at the moment. 

So when I mention her now, it is not meant as some kind of defense of her or her conduct, or as a show of support. Still, it is hard not to see the irony (unless you're a Trump fan) with how the people who supported Trump because of her emails and poor handling of sensitive government documents are now crying foul when the federal government is forced to get warrants to seize such sensitive documents from the home of their beloved hero.

All of that said, I suspected then, and believe now, that Donald Trump was a far worse president than Hillary Clinton would have been. Trump is and always has been about "Me." He became huge during the "Me" decade of the eighties, and he has always epitomized the "Me" first mentality throughout his life. How so many people saw this man, who even admitted to being greedy several times during the speech when he announced his candidacy in the 2016 White House race, could somehow grow out of this epic level of selfishness, pettiness, and greed, and actually hold his own as the elected leader, is beyond me. I suspected that he would be a disaster for the country and, if he surprised me at all, it was that he proved to be even worse than I feared.

So he deserves every criticism and, frankly, every mockery that he receives. I understand some people suggesting that it is not helpful. But King Con Don, and far too many of his loyal followers, are the type to take themselves way too seriously. And nothing will cut them down to size like mockery, especially since they proved to offer little but mockery towards other who were not on board with their bullshit. 

This Tweet by Rick Wilson was very funny, and it definitely felt like it was worth sharing here.


Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson 

It was a beautiful raid. A perfect raid. People tell me they've never seen such as perfect raid. 

10:31 PM · Aug 8, 2022·TweetDeck


  1. Funny as hell, especially the picture of a pouty little girl with his face photoshopped.
