Friday, August 5, 2022

NASCAR Driver Who Served as the Inspiration For 'Let's Go Brandon' Forced to Pull Out of Race As a Result of an Absence of Sponsors

The NASCAR driver named Brandon who was such a huge part of the ridiculous and incredibly immature rightwing refrain "Let's Go Brandon" is having a difficult time now finding a sponsor. 

Oh, well.

Granted, he himself was not responsible for it. Also, he supposedly tried to distance himself from first. Here, as reported by John Sundholm a little over one week ago (Jul. 28, 2022) in

In the wake of the "Let's Go Brandon" incident, Brown tried to duck away from the viral moment, telling the The New York Times in a December profile titled "Brandon Just Wants to Drive His Racecar" that he had an aversion to politics. He told the Times:

“Our whole navigation is, you want to appeal to everybody, because, all in all, everybody is a consumer." 

"I have zero desire to be involved in politics."But then, he accepted sponsorship from a cryptocurrency named "Let's Go Brandon." 

Right. Except as it turns out, that was bullshit. Again, 

Two weeks later however, Brown leaned in, accepting sponsorship for his entire next NASCAR season by a cryptocurrency called Let's Go Brandon, despite NASCAR's public objections.

So he was opposed to being attached to it, except when it was convenient for him not to be opposed to it. Then, suddenly, he was okay with it. 

As it turns out, that cryptocurrency basically went under and is now virtually worthless. Recently, he had to step down from participating in a race because of the lost sponsorship.

Again: Oh, well. 

To me, it's not so much about the critical aspect against Joe Biden. I certainly am not going to get upset if anyone is critical of Biden. Hell, I have quite a few criticisms of Biden myself that I could lay down. That certainly is not a problem for me.

No, the problem that I have with it is that it clearly has the spirit of Trumpism behind it. After all, those who participate in the "Fuck Joe Biden" and/or "Let's Go Brandon" chants are generally pro-Trump people. And they seem to get very enthusiastic, even giddy, about the whole "Let's Go Brandon" thing in a similar way to sixth grade kids who just got away with saying a swear word which the teacher did not hear, or at least pretended not to hear. They think that they are getting away with something, a lowering of standards, or something. And what they are really contributing to is the further erosion of any kind of standards or respect or dignity towards serious issues, which is what politics is supposed to be, at least in theory. They are like children, who seem to think that nasty little chants, perhaps inspired in part by the mean-spirited mockery of their master and leader, Donald Trump, actually contribute something towards "Making America Great Again." But they do quite the opposite. It takes more than mockery or idiocy to make a country great again. Also, frankly, any support that Trump gets is to me, at this point given what we know, frankly inexcusable. Trump is nothing short of a traitor, as his role with the whole January 6th coup attempt (which is what I feel it was in a literal sense) clearly shows. 

You want to criticize Biden? Fine by me. But "Let's Go Brandon" does not qualify as criticism. It qualifies as yet more brainwashing and mindless propaganda that's dividing the country. It also qualifies specifically as support for Trump, which is tantamount to nothing less than further eroding American democracy. And that goes well beyond reasonable critiques of the Biden administration or it's policies. That amounts to a desire for a de facto dictatorship, democracy and the will of the voter damned. I need not repeat that the Trump team had every opportunity to prove the "massive voter fraud" that they were arguing before their crowds and the cameras. But in numerous recounts and their multiple days in court, they went out of their way to make clear that they were not going to argue "massive voter fraud" in court, because unlike giving speeches before Trump rallies and the cameras of major media outlets, there are actual consequences for lying when under oath. This is such an obvious point, that it is almost embarrassing to have to utter it. Yet, it is a point that seems to continuously elude Trump fans, to the point where one cannot help but wonder if they are willfully missing this point. 

So if this actual Brandon is hurt by it and cannot race, because he proved not to stay true to his intentions to not get involved with it, and clearly sided with the pro-Trump crowd, then so be it. Good riddance to bad rubbish. He wants to capitalize - quite literally in this case - with those who used him to show their support of Trump, then he should be made to pay the price when that investment, so to speak, goes south. 

There is plenty of room for criticisms of Biden and the job that he's doing. But there is absolutely no room for being pro-Trump and engaging in mere mockery of anyone or anything opposed to Trump. That is just pretending to contribute to something, when in fact, it is making a mockery of everything. And if there is one thing that we can use a lot less of right now in the United States, it is mockery. 

NASCAR Driver Who Inspired 'Let's Go Brandon' Lacks Sponsorships After Leaning Into Anti-Biden Slogan John Sundholm Jul. 28, 2022:

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