Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Mary Trump Believes Her Uncle is Panicked by FBI Raid of Mar-a-Lago & Believed DOJ Would Not Dare Move Against Him

Mary Trump has become one of the most famous critics of her uncle, who also happens to be the former president.

Mary Trump says something that is only too easy to believe. That is that Donald Trump never believed that the Department of Justice would actually take action against him, and would never actually raid his home at Mar-a-Lago. In other words, what we all suspect - that Donald Trump conducts himself in a manner that reflects how he feels above the law and that he will never be held to account for his frankly criminal behavior - is very likely the reality.

Scary thought.

Now that they clearly have taken action, and shown that, for once, there actually are some limits to how much Trump can get away with, Donald Trump is panicking. Here, specifically, is what she said:

"He may have known, been told it was coming, but he could not possibly believe it was coming, because it never has. So I think that's where that panic is coming from."

Based on all that we have come to know and have seen over the long, long years having to see Trump's fake tan and hear his big, loud mouth, this is most likely very accurate.

And let him panic, for once. Let him finally, slowly, painfully, realize that he is not above the law. Let him sweat as his team of lawyers prepare to defend the indefensible. And let him worry that, yes, he actually will be spending time - hopefully a long, long time - behind bars, and his legacy ruined, once and for all. 

And perhaps, just perhaps, once he is gone away from dominating the public eye as he has done for years now, once his cult of personality (and it really should be compared with a cult, perhaps Cult 45) is gone and done, the fever that was Trumpism in this country will break. Mary Trump herself made this prediction in something that has gone viral since she said it:

Remember how aggressively the flying monkeys protected the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz? Then when she melted the fever broke?

It’s gonna be like that.

Boy, I sure hope so!

Mary Trump says her uncle is panicked by FBI raid and never believed the DOJ would take action Mia Jankowicz Aug 9, 2022, 7:18 AM

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