Thursday, August 4, 2022

Reaction of Alex Jones After Sandy Hook Families’ Attorney Checkmates Him

As I already mentioned in my earlier post, the main trial that I want to see somebody finally face real justice for his crimes would be Donald Trump.

That said, Alex Jones is a monster. I used to think that he actually could have been crazy, unhinged. But after learning about how much money Jones was making by marketing his own product, and tying his conspiracy theories into these massive profits, in some ways, I am actually even less sympathetic. He is just another manipulator, another scam artist, much like the man he goes to such extraordinary lengths to defend. And don't think that it is a pleasure for Jones to defend Trump. There is a video clip of him talking, almost as an aside, of how sick and tired he is of Trump. Yet, he kept defending him. And he kept shamelessly plugging his ridiculous merchandise as an accompaniment to his wild, absurd conspiracy theories. 

For what it's worth, Trump is evidently the master scam artist. Somehow, he knows how to push the envelope to the max, and to get away with it. Somehow, he manages to cheat on his first wife with his second wife, then cheat on his second wife with his third wife, and then cheat on his third wife with a porn star and pay her $130,000 hush money.  He lies, he manipulates, he sets up one scam after another. Yet, he is still trusted and even adored by a conservative Evangelical Christians. He promises to set up a national healthcare system that will be both more affordable than the present one and cover everybody, and goes so far as to suggest that it will be easy, then lifts not a finger towards actually following up on this. Yet, his supporters quickly forget this broken promise. He promises that he will pay off the national debt in eight years, than instead increases it from just under $20 trillion to over $25 trillion in his four years in office. Again, not a peep of protest from his supporters. There are plenty of other broken promises - and remember, these are just covering his political career - that he gets away with. From promising not to have time to play golf once in the White House, to promising to "lock her up" in reference to Hillary, to claiming that the entire world will respect American power and authority once he is in office, then fails to deliver these in a stunning manner. He played golf at every opportunity, even going so far as to make free time for it. He never locked Hillary up. And he was literally laughed at while giving a speech in front of the United Nations. He also praised the healthcare system of a non-existent African state in front of assembled leaders of African nations. And he referred to dozens of countries in Latin America and Africa as "shithole nations." 

Yet through it all, he seems to get even more loyal support and perhaps even love from his base of supporters. He is the opposite of traditional family and/or Christian values, pretty much on surface level. And yet, he receives the unwavering support of Evangelicals. He is clearly no budget hawk, and not a Republican of either the Eisenhower or Reagan model. Yet, he receives the unwavering loyal support of many, many self-identified conservatives. He is an elitist and always has been, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, yet he gets the trust and support of many blue collar workers, particularly in the rust belt, who feel that they can identify with him. The number and level of paradoxes around this guy have been truly astonishing and a great mystery.

So Alex Jones clearly has a long way to go before he reaches that level. Frankly, I believe that he just does not know when to stop. Neither does Trump by most normal standards, except for his brainwashed masses, who feel that he can literally do no wrong, apparently. Jones is not getting away with everything quite like Trump does. And frankly, he does not deserve to. What he did to the families of the victims of Sandy Hook was disgusting and disgraceful on a scale rarely seen. I don't want Jones to get better, more skilled at manipulating people, like the man he bends over backwards to defend. Let him lose this case, and have debts that he cannot possibly pay, so that he is wiped out forever after. Let him pay for his crimes, let him go to jail for a long, long time. Let him rot in there. And perhaps best of all, let him be forgotten, as he deserves to be. 

I do not take joy in the fall of Alex Jones for petty reasons. I take heart that maybe there is some justice left in the United States today. Maybe there are limits to things, and maybe Jones went well beyond those limits. Now, more than anything else, let him serve as an example to other like-minded people, who perhaps might be given pause for thought before engaging in such despicable, criminal conduct. In that, I can take pleasure in seeing Jones finally getting what was coming to him. What was, in fact, long overdue. 

Hopefully, his demagogue leader will be the next big example for the world to see, as well.

Bill Grueskin @BGrueskin Alex Jones, seconds after being told that his lawyer mistakenly send a huge cache of texts to Sandy Hook families’ attorney:   

“This is your Perry Mason moment”

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