Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Liberal Redneck Elaborates on the FBI Raid of Trump's Residence at Mar-a-Lago

Thought I'd share this tonight.

He makes some solid points about how whiny Republicans, the alleged party of "law and order" are crying and screaming about the FBI raid of the former president's residence at Mar-a-Lago. Trump himself was of course crying, screaming that no president has ever had this happen before. And as this guy says, while that's true, no former president had done the things that Trump has done, and been so loud and obnoxious and flagrant about it, either.

Again, we either are a country of laws or we are not. It is not because they happen to like Trump - for reasons that remain mysterious to me, frankly, since the guy is so incredibly unlikable - that he should not be held accountable when he breaks the law. And he has broken the law numerous times. He is possibly being held accountable for it for once, and they really are losing their shit.

And as he mentioned, they are warning about how we will regret it once they are back in charge. That amounts to a blatant threat. You really do wonder if they are not far from setting up an American Gulag system in the not so distant future.

In any case, watch the video, and enjoy. 

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