Saturday, August 20, 2022

Jimmy Fallon Shares Stories of Failed First Dates of Fans

Here is another lighthearted post for the weekend.

Not the biggest fan of Jimmy Fallon, admittedly. I always felt that his humor tended to be a little overly safe. Then, the whole softball interview with Donald Trump not only confirmed that, but felt like it went a long way towards normalizing a monster who never should have been normalized. That's hard for me to forget, and it makes a lot of his stuff a whole lot less funny, even though he has recognized that the interview was problematic, and tried to criticize Trump since then.

All of that said, this was pretty funny. Fallon asked his followers on social media (I assume) to give him some notes on the worst first dates that they ever had. Some of these were actually really funny, and one or two made me laugh out loud. 

The tops, for me, had to be one of the shortest description: a guy actually hit the woman he was supposed to go out with on a date with his car.. No elaboration on how serious the hit was, or if any injuries were sustained. But I felt that this one surely had to be the "winner," if you will, for the absolute worst first date of them all.

Perhaps I can share a story of my worst first date. I have had a few of them, dating back some years before meeting my present girlfriend of over a decade. One of them, I met in New York City. She looked nothing like her photograph, and was carrying a whole bunch of bags with her. When she spoke, she seemed somehow distracted, and mentioned her mother very, very frequently. In short, she seemed nothing like what I had been led to believe when we were talking before on the dating site. 

When the date was over - or at least I thought it was over - I told her that it had been great to meet her. She asked me where I was going, and I told her the bus terminal. She offered to accompany me, but I told her that I had decided to walk, and that it was a long walk. She insisted, and sure enough, she walked me there. Then when we got there, I again turned to her and told her it was great to meet her, but she again insisted on accompanying me inside. So we went on the line and I got a bus ticket, and again assumed it was over. But she insisted on accompanying me to the bus itself. She waited with me for the bus to arrive, and when it did, I told her again that it had been fun, and that it was nice to meet her. Finally, she did not insist on accompanying me. But she did watch me get on the bus, and then stayed there, watching the bus, even though she surely could not see me with the combination of the darkness of the bus terminal mixed with the shaded glass of the buses. But she stayed there for several minutes, right up until the bus started up and drove off.

It was weird, and I felt it was almost unsettling. At no point did I believe myself to be in danger or anything. Yet, there was also a feeling of being with someone who might have been a tad clingy. I suspect that women perhaps have to endure this kind of thing more frequently than men do, and that with the added element of possible physical menace, it must really be unsettling. On that day, I gained a better appreciation for that. 

Jimmy Fallon Asked His Followers to Share Funny Stories Of Failed First Dates by Elizabeth Grillo

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