Saturday, October 1, 2022

First Episode of ‘Cheers’ Debuted 40 Years Ago

Lately, in the past few months or so, I have been watching a lot of old Cheers episodes. You know, that sitcom from the eighties and early nineties?

This actually started a few years ago, back when I was working another overnight job. The guy who I worked with took his hour lunch break almost ridiculously late, at four in the morning. This allowed me, for once, to control the television, and I found old episodes of Cheers playing on the Hallmark channel. Over the course of time, I caught up quite a bit, and saw many episodes that I could not remember ever having seen before. Remember, I was young when Cheers was on television, and for most of that time, it ran either past my bedtime, or close to it. So much of it was new.

More recently, particularly during work from home shifts, I went back to those repeat showings of old Cheers episodes at four in the morning, and again, caught up even more. Then, I found that my television has access to episodes from many, if not all, episodes of Cheers, and so I started watching the final season (11th season). Not entirely sure why I started at the end, although I tend to prefer the more recent episodes, admittedly. 

In any case, it is a good show. Or was. And it actually was rather funny, which is frankly not the case with all sitcoms. There are some sitcoms that have produced, at best, a mild chuckle or two. And there are some sitcoms that have not even produced that much. But Cheers still feels funny and, despite how dated it is, it still feels relatively fresh. In short, I miss it.

Recently, I happened to find out that the 40th anniversary of the very first episode of Cheers just came and went. It aired on September 30, 1982. So yesterday marked that milestone. It seemed worth sharing a blog post about it here. 

40 Years Ago: ‘Cheers’ Debuts With a Perfect Pilot Episode Dennis Perkins Dennis Perkins Published: September 30, 2022:

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